chapter 11 - getting closer to finding him

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(my motivation to write is flowing through my veins rn)

Mysterion POV:

It's been nearly 5 days since we've last seen Toolshed. I fucked up so badly. This is all my fault. If only I was more careful, I shouldn't have went without him. I haven't slept in since we lost him. We've tried everything, hell, we even asked the cops. I know he's not dead, Stan is— I mean Toolshed is strong.

I won't stop looking for him, Chaos hasn't shown up once since he took him. Even when everyone else loses hope and gives up I'll continue to look for you my friend, even if it kills me. I just don't get it, we've done everything, checked security cameras in the area he went missing, checked Chaos's base, looked in every snowy mountain top to random caves, we even tracked his— wait, OF COURSE WE DIDNT TRY THAT! I jump up from the buildings edge I was sitting on and head back to base. I think I know someone who can help us find him!

"And DT that's why we should ask Kyle to help us!" "He designed out watches, he's the only one that can help!" I looked at him convincingly. "I don't know Mysterion, if you remember last time then I—" I cut him off "I do remember last time, but I promised that something like that would never happen again!"

"Okay let's vote shall we? All who agree, raise their hand" Almost everyone raises their hand up. "All who oppose, raise their hand." Only one raises their hand. The fucking Raccon.

"How could you go against this!? Kyle might be the only person who can help us get Toolshed back, you fucking dumbass!?" I shouted. "Because Kyle's a ginger, a jew, AND HE'S FROM JERSEY! HE CAN'T BE TRUSTED!"

I was about to tell him off before being cut of by Call Girl. "Don't waste your breath on him Mysterion, he lost anyway." She puts her hand in my shoulder and I let out a sigh. All that fucking fat raccon did was roll his eyes, I hate him so fucking much.

"Mysterion go now and seek help from our alley, do not make us all regret our decisions." I only nod in response and get up to leave to the Broflovski house.

Kyle POV:

I haven't gotten any reply from Chaos in days about my necklace. Should I go over there and ask him myself? No, I should just give him time, yeah I'll just do that. I paced around my room thinking about that god damn necklace and how I was ignorant enough to break it like a dumbass. I stopped as I heard a knock on my window, this could mean two things. 1. Stan pulled some spider-man like shit again and is here, or 2. Mysterion was here.

It couldn't be Stan, he hasn't replied to my texts in days, but he could just be grounded again, but I'm still a little worried. I unlocked my window and open it. It wasn't Stan, it was Mysterion. He climbs in and dusts himself off before clearing his throat.  "Kyle, I've been sent here on a mission, and I need your help with something."

"A mission? What kind of mission requires me? I'm no hero if you haven't noticed yet."  I raised an eyebrow in confusion

"A mission went wrong and it's kind of my fault, but you know how you designed and made our watches?" He asks and looks right at me. He's super pale and looks half-dead, it kind of freaked me out honestly-

"Of course I do dude, it took me nearly 2 weeks to make all of them."  "Also when's the last time you slept? Or showered? You look and smell like shit." I jokingly grabbed my nose and waved my hand.

"That's not the point Kyle this is very serious.." he rolls his eyes and at me and I stop.
"I need you to track down one of our watches." He finally says after a good 30 seconds of silence.

"Um okay I can do that, BUT if the watch is dead or broken it won't show up." I warn him before taking a seat in front of my computer. He only nods and I log in and get to work. After a couple minutes I manage to pull up the location of all the watches but one pinged way farther than the others. "Bingo! Found your guy." I exclaimed, once again I succeed. I share the location with Mysterion and he leaves.

I wonder who they were looking for—wait. WAIT. I pull up the location again and it's Chaos's lair. OH FUCK. I quickly grab my phone and text him that the heroes are coming, no reply but it says he read it. I then share a different location with Mysterion saying that I accidentally sent the wrong location, again no response and I was just left on read. Rude-

I turn off my computer and get up and hop onto my bed. Different thoughts cloud up my mind and then I dozed off.

Chaos POV:

Oh dang it! I thought I would have more time to get answers out of him! I hurry down the stairs and unlock the door. Oh he's asleep? Maybe, but that just makes this easier. I quickly untie the ropes and attempt to pick him up off the chair. It wasn't easy, I knew I was somewhat strong but jesus this was hard. I give up and drop him to the floor, he grunts, and my eyes widen.

Luckily he didn't wake up. I drag him over to the shelf and push it aside, it then revealed the hidden elevator that I installed not to long ago. I drag him in and in the push of a button the shelf goes back into place and we're off. I stare down at him, his badly beaten body, blood stains all over his clothes. I don't feel bad though, I'm honestly surprised he isn't dead yet.

I knew that my time was up with him, and that the stupid heroes would end up getting him back. Well at least I did some damage on him. The elevator stops and the door opens, I step out dragging the unconscious hero with me. Eh I don't really feel like fighting all of them so I'll just leave. But let me do one last thing before I leave..

Words: 1117

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