chapter 10 - he might die

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Sorry that this chapter is so short-

3rd person POV:

Everyone took their seats and waited silently for Mysterion to tell them why they were called here. "Mysterion, I swear to god if this is another meeting about the missing gem, charm, or whatever I'm going to quit." Raccoon complained and stuffed more chips into his mouth. "Hey! Those meetings are important! It's a very serious problem that we need to solve." Call Girl added  "Well it's dumb and Chaos doesn't even have it." Raccoon sunk down into his chair.  "EXACTLY! Chaos doesn't have it! That makes it worse because anyone could have it, and who knows who's hands it's in right now!" Call Girl was losing he patience with the "big boned" raccoon.

"Woah bitch! Calm down, no need to make a fuss about it, I was just joking."  This was it, Call Girl got up and tried to lunge at him to punch him only to be held back by Wonder T and Tupperware.

"ENOUGH!" A familiar voice shouted, it was Mysterion. With that everyone sat down and we're silent again. "I have called you guys here to talk about a very serious problem we have on our hands."  "If you haven't noticed Toolshed isn't here and that's because— he was cut off my Mosquito shouting "BECAUSE CHAOS KILLED HIM!" Everyone's eyes widened and jaws dropped. Some even had tears form in their eyes.

"HE'S NOT FUCKING DEAD!"  "CHAOS CAPTURED HIM AND TOOK HIM TO GOD KNOWS WHERE!" Mysterion sat back down and put his hands on his head. He was frustrated and tired, but before he could speak again Doctor T spoke up, but not speaking in the way that the others were.

"Enough everyone, let's all calm down. We won't be able to get our friend back if we're all over the place."   Everyone stopped and listened.  "Now Mysterion, have you found anything to help us find him or have formed a plan?"  Mysterion opened his mouth but nothing came out and he just shook his head.  "Alright then, we will make a plan to get our fellow hero back."  They all nodded in response.

A few were selected to go out into the night and look for any signs of Chaos or any clues of where their missing friend was. Mysterion offered to go but everyone on his team stopped him and forced him to stay back. Reluctantly he stayed and hatched a plan with the other heroes.

Toolshed POV:

I have no clue what day it was, but the hooded figure has not come back. Chaos hasn't tried to ask me things anymore, so I'm just alone. I still had hope that someone was going to find me, and take me back. But no one has came, I haven't found any way out. Might as well just die right here. Wendy's going to be so pissed at me for not answering her texts, hell she might even break up with me, again. Cartman wouldn't care about me not responding, I know Kenny would, but maybe he wouldn't even find out till later that I was gone because his phone is always dead, and Kyle. Oh Kyle.

What if I never see any of them again? My girlfriend, friends, and my super best friend? I never got to tell Wendy that I loved her one last time. I never even would get to tell him that I.. I feel tears forming in my eyes and falling down my cheeks. "How's my little guest holding up?" I watch as he walks in I don't respond and look away to hide that I was crying. "Aw why so down? Did it finally set in that no one is coming to get you?" Chaos teased and walked closer to me.

"They're never coming to get you, you could die here, and no one will ever know." He whispered into my ear, his words made my eyes widen. Is he actually going to kill me? Is this it for me!?The thoughts all come rushing in through my head and I couldn't pay attention to anything he was saying to me. All I heard was, "Let's pick up where we left off last time, shall we?" I knew what this meant, more questions, more hell for me to go through.

I'm going to die here. This is it for me, so many things I didn't do, to many things I didn't say. This is what I get for it, death.

Words: 746

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