" they have no choice but to be nice."

"You cannot make them be nice to me

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"You cannot make them be nice to me." I laughed.

" I can promise you I can make anybody do anything especially about you and my kids." I looked at him and he was staring at me. "Okay?"

"Okay, baby." I nodded to show him that I understand. "When do you want to get married?"

" I was thinking, maybe about a year or two just get settled in with the baby and then get engaged."

" yes, that makes sense because we're going to be too busy worrying about the baby and with the baby needs. It's going to be two babies in the house. as soon as we get engaged, I want to start building our dream house."

" what is your dream engagement even though I know it might change by time we get engaged."

" I don't know I always wanted an engagement where everybody was around like everybody in our family of course. Maybe like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Where it has that spirit in the air of like family time in complete joy. Or I would just rather have like a birthday dinner or something and then you propose either way I just wanna make sure I'm able to eat after to really celebrate." We laughed.

"You hungry right now?" I laughed and I nodded. "I figured come on." We laughed.

"Where we going?"

" we going to outback steakhouse because you wanted the kookaburra wings."

"Yes." I got up.

After taking about an hour to get ready, we were finally on the road.

" baby what do you want for Christmas?" I asked.

" delete all are going to explain. So that's enough for me just to be around family and stuff."

" what do you want for Christmas?" I repeated myself.

" I don't really do Christmas gifts because I get disappointment." He sighed.

" you think I'm going to disappoint you?" he struggled

" shit you'll be surprised who disappoints you the worst."

" baby don't think like that, tell me what you want anything you want. I will get it even if I have to shake ass on the stage." He looked at me in confusion. " prostitute?"

"Girl, be quiet." He frowned his face as he laughed. " I don't know, I'm not used to getting anything, so I never really took the time to think of something that I want."

" do you want me to surprise you?" He nodded.

"Yes baby."

" I am going to cry because I feel like a bad girlfriend." He looked at me.

"What? Why? You are an amazing wife." He spoke calmly. "Baby..."

" You know I am emotional and you know that I fucking cry too much. I really do not know something that you would like because you don't ask for anything. Just respect and things like that. I should know things that you like. You know everything that I like. I know you like suits but I don't know anything else about you."

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