Chapter Fifteen

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Caty and Johann found themselves in one of the helacarrier's conference rooms.

"Alright, Catalina, Schmidt, what do you have for us," Nick said folding his hands on the table.

"First off, as I wrote in my report that I sent ahead, Black Death was created when Albert Weinstein used a Shield version of the super soldier serum," Caty began.

"In each serum version there is an essential ingredient. It is called Diotriene. The chemical is what causes the blood cells to mutate. It's in charge of the leukocytes, thrombocytes, and erythrocytes. Another chemical is in charge of the skin, hormone, and bone cells called Demotriapine. However the key element is he Diotriene because it is so important to the blood but just because it's key doesn't mean it's the largest amount of chemical put into the mix," Johann continued for her.

"The more you have of this element the more you change and mutate. My Dad had the perfect amount. It only had a minuscule amount of Diotriene because the blood doesn't need to mutate. All it did for him was make the blood stream strong for his now stronger body and create a chemical balance in the body. Therefore, in his version it mainly contained Demotriapine. Johann's, on the other hand, had too much Diotriene," Caty said.

"Because of this, it caused a chemical imbalance in my body. My blood literally burned in my veins and arteries damaging all the other cells. That's why my skin turned red. It completely destroyed any cartilage I had giving me the name Red Skull," Johann said sitting back.

"So what caused Black Death?" Nick asked.

"He had a backward serum. He had a minuscule amount of Demotriapine and a large amount of Diotriene," Johann explained.

"Causing him to become like an animal but a strong and smart one," Dr. Banner put in.


"That explains it," Tony said.

"I almost understood that," Steve said. "But I actually didn't. Can you please speak English?"

"She is," Bruce, Tony, and Johann said together. Steve raised his eyebrows and all the others started laughing. They calmed down and continued their discussion.

"But why are some easier to fight and some aren't?" Natasha said.

"Johann and I discovered the answer to that," Caty said.

"His cells are mutating," Bruce said quietly.

"How did you know?" Caty and Johann asked at the exact same time.

"Tony and I found a sample of his blood at the German town you helped save. We were trying to run a DNA test and find out who you guys were. We identified Schmidt's blood and I isolated a mutation."

"You knew about him and you didn't tell me," Steve said incredulously.

"I was under orders," Bruce stated.

"It's a good thing. You almost killed me in your shock," Johann said rubbing his neck.

Steve gave Johann a death glare. Caty rolled her eyes and decided to continue.

"Johann, show them the mutation," Caty said.

Johann nodded and rolled up his pant leg. Half of his calf was red and half was normal.

"Wait! You mutating on your legs now?" Caty said.

"Yes, my entire torso is now normal," Johann said pulling his pant leg back down.

"What is causing this?" Asked Clint.

"Steve, you said that the serum changes the bad worse and the good better," Tony said pointing at him.

"Yes," Steve said putting a hand on his chin.

"Your getting it, Tony," Caty said. "When I met Johann he was still very angry and, no offense, evil."

"None taken," Johann said raising a hand.

"Wait are you saying because he is less angry now that his cells are changing," Nick asked in disbelief.

"Exactly!" Caty exclaimed.

"It's a hormone imbalance. What she is saying is exactly what I found I'm my study of his blood sample," Dr. Banner affirmed.

"So," Caty said.

"So?" Clint said after a long pause.

"So the people that Black Death had forced to mutate," Caty said waiting for someone to catch one.

"Are at different strength levels," Steve said snapping his fingers.

"And not all are angry or even bad," Clint added.

"So this means we can find a cure!" Caty said practically jumping up and down.

"But it won't be your run of the mill cure," Johann said leaning forward in his chair.

"Why not?" Asked Wanda, who hadn't really said anything.

"Because the cells have a defense mechanism," Steve said.

"So there is no cure," said a quiet Vision.

"Wrong," Caty said.

"Thanks, Sherlock, why don't you explain," Tony said.

"I understood that reference," Steve said.

"Yay! You understand a modern reference! Finally!" Tony said doing fist pump.

"Wait, since when did Sherlock Holmes say that?" Johann asked.

Tony looked at him and then back to everyone else. "We have someone new to educate."

"Tony, focus," Natasha said.

"As I was saying," Caty said, "I have an idea and it just might work."

"Might?" Tony said.

"Tony, shut up," Nick said.

"Fine," he said raising his hands.

"I have an idea to help mutate some of the mutants back," Caty said, "well, it was Johann's idea too."

"Well, get on with it," Wanda said.

"Okay this is what I had in mind," Caty began.

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