Chapter Nineteen

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Caty was sitting on the couch reading, with Johann using her legs as a pillow, when someone buzzed her doorbell. The loud sound awakened the sleeping Johann.

"Oh come on," he said groggily.

"Shhh go back to sleep. I'll get it," Caty said getting up.

"No, my pillow," he wined.

"There are real pillows on the couch," she said chuckling.

"But they aren't as comfortable," he said.

Caty laughed and went to the door. She hit a button and the door slid open.

"Uh. Hi, Dad," Caty said giving him a cheesy grin.

"What's he doing here?"

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep," Johann said putting a pillow on his face.

"What gives you the right to tell me to-"

"Dad, can we talk," Caty said pulling him put into the hallway. "What in the name of Ultron!"


"I thought you said you were going to at least be hospitable to him," Caty said putting her hands on her hips.

"I didn't expect to find him in my daughters quarters asleep," he said.

"He had been working non-stop on that formula for four days," she said.

"That doesn't mean he needs to be asleep in your living room," he argued.

"You sleep in my living room," she countered.

"I'm your dad!"

Caty thought for a moment and then answered, "well, ok, true but he is my friend and it was sleep in my living room or in that cell."

"He didn't ask for quarters," Steve said trying to defend himself.

"Oh, Dad," Caty said rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll her eyes at me," he teased. She rolled her eyes again and he laughed. "Alright fine but I'm not coming over when he is over."

"I never asked you to," she said laughing.

"But I swear if he lays one hand on you-" Steve started.

"Then I can take care of myself."

"Alright fine," Steve said grudgingly.

"Bye! Love you!" She said walking back into the room. Steve was about to protest her leaving but then she was gone. He walked back towards his room

As she entered she saw that Johann was now standing and yawning.

"I thought I told you to go back to sleep," Caty said.

"I can't. I just had an idea," he said.

"And what is that?"

"We can use my blood to test the formula," he explained

"But your blood is already mutating so it wouldn't give us an accurate result."

"Bah! We need something to test it on," Johann exclaimed.

"We need a mutant," Caty said mischievously. "I can go get one for you."

"Oh no you don't," he said. "At least not by yourself."

"Alright fine," she said.

She decided to take his mind off of it. She went over to the door and locked it. People had a tendency to barge into rooms without knocking. Ok, correction: Tony had a tendency to enter a room without knocking.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm Tony-proofing the room," she said slyly.


"I don't think it would go over well if someone came in and saw us-," she began.

However, she didn't get much more out than that before he swung her around and kissed her on the mouth. She kissed back.

"Where you going to say kissing?" He asked slyly.

"Uh ya I guess now."

He kissed her passionately. He took a step forward and then another. Eventually she found her back to the wall. She broke away to grab a breath and then Johann kissed her gently on the cheek and then on the neck. She shivered. He kissed her again on the neck causing her to shiver more. He moved down to her collar bone. She didn't mean to but she sighed. He chuckled and then kissed her on the lips. He licked her bottom lip asking for entry. She teased him by denying entry and he retaliated by pinching her on the side. She gasped and he stuck his tongue in her mouth. Most would think that's really gross but she found it actually felt really good. She remained submissive as he took dominance. He continued for a while and put his hand on her waist. He found the end of her shirt and moved his hand so that he was touching her bare skin. She moaned. He rubbed her back and continued exploring her mouth. After exploring every inch of her mouth he pulled back.

"Don't stop," she said in a whisper.

"Are you sure?"

"Very," she said kissing him on the corner of his mouth. He picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, and tossed her on the bed. She giggled and he climbed over to her and kissed her more. Her backbone shivered with pleasure. She might regret this later but right now she just wanted him.

O.o ..........I swear that was the characters idea. They did it themselves they forced me to write that part. LOL! Hope you guys are enjoying ;) -LMI

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