Chapter Ten

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Caty sat on a couch in the lobby of an old hotel. They had walked sixty miles and it had taken two days. She was absolutely exhausted. She looked over as Johann walked over.

"You know since you used your card thing-"

"It's called a debit card."

"Yes, that. You know that they could track you now," Johann said handing it to her.

"Aren't we trying to be found?"

"Anyone could track us," he said.

"I think we will be ok," she said.

Johann gave her his arm and they walked upstairs.

"There is a library nearby," Johann said, "I'm going to go see if I can use one of their computers."

"Shouldn't you rest first?"

"I'm fine. You go rest and I'll be back in a little bit."

"Ok," Caty didn't even feel like arguing. She opened the hotel room door and flopped on the bed.


"Sir, someone had hacked into our system," shouted a Shield worker.

"How did they do that!" Nick Fury shouted.

"We don't know, sir, but the person isn't trying to get any information besides where our nearest encampment is."

"Is it Black Death?"

"No, it's a small town near Austria," he replied.

"Why is everything happening in Germany," Nick said more than asked.

"Because the villain is German."

"That was a rhetorical question."

"Sorry, Sir," Nick said. "Get me Captain Rogers on the line. I'll take it in my office."

"Yes, Sir."


"Captain Rogers, Director Fury is on the line in the main tent."

"Thankyou, Sergeant," Steve said walking over to the main tent.

"I got a new assignment for you, Cap," Nick said as he entered.

"Where at and what?"

"Someone hacked into our system in an effort to find the nearest base."

"You want me to track them down?"

"Yes, but don't kill or bruise them beyond distinction," Nick said. "We need information."



France. That was where the nearest Shield base was.

Johann wiped everything from the computer and stood up. He decided to head back to their hotel and rest. He was extremely tired. Not that he would ever let on to Catalina that he was tired.

He thanked the librarian for allowing him to use their computer and then he walked out onto the street. It was a small town. Not more than two-thousand people. In Johann's day that was a large town but now a large city can be over one billion people.

The hotel/inn wasn't very far away so he soon reached it and went upstairs. Catalina was fast asleep. He smiled and pushed the hair out of her face.


"Munich is the closest airstrip to the town we are heading too. The town is somewhere in the Bavarian Forest."

"Thank you, James," Steve said.

"We will be landing in about thirty minutes. From there it's about three hours by car. It's getting rather late, Sir, maybe we should stop in Munich for the night and leave in the morning."

"The sooner we get there the sooner we catch them. It will be morning by the time we get there if we leave right away," Steve said.

"Yes, Sir," James said.

He is getting closer! What's gonna happen!? 😱 oh wait......I know but you don't 😇 ehehehehehehe......... Lol! Love ya all! Enjoy! -LMI

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