Chapter Seven

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"Well, go answer it," she said nodding at the door. Johann nodded and walked over to the door. He opened the door to reveal a man of about medium height wearing hunting garb. He had a dog at his heels and a rifle slung over his shoulder.

"Kann ich Ihnen helfen?" (Can I help you?) Johann asked politely.

"Ja, ich bin verloren," (yes, I am lost.) the man said throwing up his hands in a helpless gesture. "Wie weit ist die nächste Stadt?" (How far is it to the next town?"

"Fast 60 Meilen." (Almost sixty miles.)

"Ich habe herum für fast zwei Tage," (I have been wandering around for almost two days.) he said wearily.

Johann looked at Catalina. She decided to try using her mind thing.

"We can't just send him away," she thought to him.

"He could be a spy," he thought in his head so she could hear him.

"We will just be Mr. and Mrs. Acker."

"Du siehst müde aus, und es ist fast mitten in der Nacht . Bitte bleiben Sie mit uns für die Nacht und man kann in die Stadt am Morgen den Kopf." (You look tired and it is getting to be the dead of night. Stay with us for the night and you can head to the town in the morning.) Johann said to the stranger.

The man smiled and accepted their invitation. Caty could feel Johann's uneasiness. The man came in and introduced himself as Alex Becke. Johann introduced him and Caty with their fake names. Johann and Caty just hoped he was who he said he was.

After they had gotten the stranger settled they retreated downstairs. Johann and Caty went into the bedroom she had been using and looked at each other anxiously.

"This guy isn't a mutant but that doesn't mean anything," Caty said.

"Well, what were we supposed to do. We are playing the part of a young country couple. If we had denied him a place to stay we would have looked very suspicious. Not to mention, if he is really just a hunter, it would be very rude to leave him out in the woods for the night," he said running a hand though his hair. Well it was actually his masks hair but it didn't really matter.

"We can handle one man if he does turn out to be dangerous," she said.

"Yes, I know," he answered. "I'm more worried about Black Death or even Shield knowing our location."

"If Shield does find us. I will not allow then to arrest or harm you," Caty said vehemently.

"But they have every right to do that," Johann said.

"I know but I have friends in high places. I can probably keep you safe," she said.

Johann smiled and just looked at her. She was such a caring person.

"What are you staring at?"

"I'm just thinking about what a beautiful and wonderful person you are," he said.

Caty felt a blush creep into her cheeks. Johann bent over and lightly brushed his lips against hers. He began to pull back but she grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him hard. He kissed back and put his hands on her waist.

After a few minutes, Johann gently pulled away and just held her. One of the things that Caty admired most about him was the fact that he wasn't just in for a physical relationship. All he wanted was to love her and treasure her.

"I should probably go," Johann said.

"And leave me in here all by myself," Caty said sticking out her lip. "Besides the guy thinks we are married."

"I don't know, Catalina," he said cautiously.

"You can sleep on the floor if you really want too," she said. She went over to the bed and tossed him a pillow. "Or you can sleep in the bed with me. It's your decision."

"Fine." Johann said. He walked over and laid on the bed next to her. She put her head on his chest and within a few minutes she was asleep.

Johann wished he could sleep but he was on too high alert for sleep. He pulled his gun out of his holster and put it near him on the night stand. He heard Alex moving around upstairs but soon all was quiet. After a while Johann finally drifted off to sleep.

Father's Enemy My Lover {sequel to Father's Enemy}Where stories live. Discover now