Chapter Six

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So I actually did get a chance to sit down and write today. :) enjoy the next chapter.

Two mutant bases down and an infinite number to go. Steve was getting very discouraged. Mutant bases were popping up all over Europe. Who knows where else. They had had to go old fashioned because of the rugged terrain. He was sleeping in a good old, soaking wet, cold, and uncomfortable tent. Oh well, he had slept on worst.

Steve had just started to drift off to sleep when he heard someone calling his name. He groaned and rolled off his bed. Tony came in and saw him on the ground.

"Bed kick you off?"

"Shut up, Tony," Steve said getting up. "What do you need?"

"I can't answer you because you just told me to shut up so I can't talk," he sassed.

"Fine. Don't shut up."

"Look, Steve, I know you have had a lot going on right now but you need to focus," Steve said.

"Thanks for the advice but no thanks," Steve said walking past him.

"You son of a-"

"Language," Steve shouted. Tony smiled. Maybe there was still some of the old Cap' left.


Catalina walked out into the crisp morning air. It was starting to warm up. Johann said spring would come soon. When she had asked him if the groundhog had seen his shadow, he had just looked at her funny and walk off muttering something about "American expressions."

Since they had no idea when they might run into someone they decided to pose as German farmers. Caty knew more than enough German to play the part and the best part was she didn't speak with an American accent.

Johann had given her some old clothes of his sister's and he had turned in his black clothes for normal ones. She had cleaned every last inch of the house and they could now hide here and actually look like they had been living there for some time. Johann had said they would take the names of Albrecht and Alena Acker. She had agreed but also inquired why they had so many A's in their fake names. He had just rolled his eyes and hadn't answered.

They had spent four days and four nights here now. Johann had said they would stay for about two weeks because he wanted to throw Black Death off their scent. She had since been taught how to live like an early 20th century German country dweller. Technically they were closer to Austria but it was still German country.

"Catalina," Johann yelled from the house.

"Out back," she yelled.

She saw Johann come around from the front of the house. He looked so different in work clothes. He was wearing a plaid button up shirt and faded jeans. His skin had mutated so much in the last few days that he could now leave the first few buttons of his shirt undone and roll up both of his sleeves.

"What are you doing back here?"

"Just getting some fresh air," she said taking a deep breath and spreading out her arms feeling the sun's warmth. "It gets cold in New York but not as cold as Germany."

"I wouldn't know. I've never been to America," Johann said wrapping and arm around her shoulders.

"It's a very nice place," she told him. "Maybe when this is all over you can come see it."

"I highly doubt I would be able too," he said.

"Maybe I could-" she stopped short. A gun shot reverberated through out the nearby woods.

Johann slowly pulled his gun from a holster he had put on his jeans. "Go inside, Catalina. It's a possibility that it is just a hunter."

Caty was about to protest but after receiving a sharp look from Johann she decided against it. She picked up her skirt and bolted back into the house. She ran into her room and pulled her own gun from underneath her pillow. She then made her way back to the kitchen and watched as Johann disappeared into the woods.

He hadn't been gone long when she spotted him coming out of the woods. As soon as he came inside she asked what it was.

"It was just a hunter I believe," Johann said.

"Are you sure," she asked worriedly. She was pretty sure Black Death didn't know where they were but she could be wrong.

"No, but I don't think we have to much to fear."


As night fell they both remained quiet. They were both uneasy. Caty made dinner in an effort to stay busy and then they resorted to playing a game of chess. Johann beat her every time it was actually rather annoying. Well, he was the genius.

"Checkmate," Johann said yawning.

"That is the fifth time," Caty said putting her chin on her hands.

"It's all strategy, Lieben (love)," he said.

"Oh, so I'm Lieben now," she winked and stood up. "I am also, however, no match for you at chess."


She smiled and went over to the sink. She had to wash dishes by hand here. Caty had just begun to wash the dishes when she looked out the window and saw a face in the window. She dropped a plate and it hit the ground with a reverberating crash. Johann jumped up alarmed and ran to see why she had been so startled. Before he could reach her there was a knock at the door. Johann and Caty both froze.

Father's Enemy My Lover {sequel to Father's Enemy}Where stories live. Discover now