Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"I hear you have a few Avengers in your dungeon," Loki purred.

"That is none of your-" Loki cut him off by pressing against his windpipe.

"Well, it is because I've always had an eye for the young Rogers girl," he smiled viciously.

"Sorry she belongs to me," Black Death laughed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Her body belongs to me," he said darkly.

"Oh, really? Can't you share?" He said smugly.

"What do I get in return?"

"Maybe a few more Avengers in your dungeon?"

"It's a deal," Black Death smiled.


A mutant guard carefully opened the dungeon door. He was nervous about coming to a place with so many Avengers.

"The young Rogers is to come with me!" He said trying to sound tough.

"What for!" Steve yelled.

"Was I talking to you?!" The guard yelled furiously.

Catalina got up and followed the guard out. He grabbed her arm but she threw his hand away.

"I can walk without being shoved," she said furiously.

The guard backhanded her across the face. Caty looked at him hard and did the same to him. The guard looked stunned. Caty instantly felt somewhat bad. Maybe this person was forced to become a mutant. She turned and waited for the guard to take her wherever it was he was taking her. He led her back to the room where she had lived her nightmare. Black Death's room. She opened the door and walked in. She strode tall and confident unwilling to show her fear.

"I have someone who wanted you to give them as much pleasure as you gave me," he said scornfully.

Loki materialized out of the corner.

"Loki, you-"

"Language, my dear," Loki purred.

Play along. He spoke to her in her head. Act afraid.

"Please don't hurt me," she whimpered.

Black Death laughed, "she is already broken for you, my friend."

"Yes, as scared as a newborn pup," Loki said stroking her cheek. "Now if you don't mind."

"Yes, of course," Black Death said. "We shall discuss our arraignment when you are finished with her."

Black Death turned and exited the room. The door locked behind him.

"You gave me a heart attack!" Caty exclaimed.

"Did you think I actually made a deal with him?" he asked incredulously. "That's disgusting! I'm rather offended!"

"No, your not."

"Your right," He laughed.

"Now how exactly does this fit in with your plan," she asked putting a hand on her hip.

"Well, seeing as how he thinks we are-well-"

"Okay you don't need to continue," she said quickly.

"So that gives us enough time for me to give you a quick lesson," he said.

"Can't you just help me free them?" she asked.

"Now where is the fun in that," he smirked.

"I'm surprised your brother hasn't murdered you sooner," she said rolling her eyes.

"I'm not always like this. Only when I'm bored," Loki said. "Now that suitor of yours-Johann- I believe?"

"You can ask later but let's start on that escape plan," she said. He sighed.

"Alright, have you noticed when you can use your magic/telepathy?"

"Originally it was just with strong emotions," she answered.

"That's normal."

"But I've found I was able to learn my telepathy fairly quickly," she continued.

"How long ago did it start?"

"About a month ago," she said thinking.

Loki looked surprised. "Your ability is progressing very fast!"

"Is that good or bad?"

"It depends," he said carefully.

"I don't like the sound of that," she said.

"Look at me," Loki said stretching out his hand. "Now focus on the object in my hand."

She looked into his palm and saw a small stone. She wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to be doing.

"When you reach into other people's minds it's easier because they have a consciousness. This object obviously does not possess that. The way to control this is to imagine that you are actually lifting it. Feel the weight in your mind as you reach for it. Then lift it like you would with your hand."

Caty reached out with her mind. She concentrated very hard but to no avail. Suddenly she felt herself being slapped.

"What the hell was that for?!" She yelled touching the sore spot.

"For this," Loki pointed to the levitating rock. She gaped and then smiled.

"You must understand why you are using your magic," he said, "I don't have to use emotion in my magic because mine isn't innate magic. Yours is so it's tied in with your emotion."

"I think I can do this," she smiled.

"Sure you can," Loki smiled.

Father's Enemy My Lover {sequel to Father's Enemy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz