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2nd Person's POV
Whatever happened was making you sick, you could feel random headaches and swore you were hearing voices. Today, you took the day off so you could recover and assured your mother that you could take care of yourself so she didn't need to be there. Boy, were you wrong.

You were alone in the house, stumbling around, Steve was out and doing whatever. Your vision was blurry and you swayed like you were drunk. Going into your bathroom, you suddenly threw up in the sink...blood. Your eyes widened, scared. What is happening to me?
You looked into the mirror, your eyes turned black with red dots for pupils, just like the reflection you saw earlier. You shook your head and your eyes turned back to normal. Washing away the blood, you made your way out.

You couldn't process the staircase and tumbled down it like a sack of potatoes. Landing at the bottom, you felt blood seeping from your nose. You touched it, seeing the crimson liquid on your fingertips. The blood dried before your eyes, seemingly absorbing into your skin and the bloody nose stopped, healed. You laughed, why were you laughing? You had no idea. The front door opened and your mother ran in, seeing your body at the bottom of the stairs.
"Oh my God! (Y/N)!" She gasped and ran to you, gathering you in her arms. When did she become so strong?
She laid you on the couch, frantically getting a wet towel on your forehead to calm the flaring temperature. You stared blankly at the woman in front of you, trying to process everything.
"Mom?" You croaked.
"(Y/N)! It's a good thing I rushed home. I couldn't be at work knowing you're here alone and sick. What happened? I told you to stay in bed!" She scolded, placing a thermometer between your lips.
"I'm sorry" you muttered. Of course you didn't tell her exactly what happened, only that you felt under the weather.

I mean c'mon, what were you going to say? That you were attacked by a creature and given it's powers?! Yeah, very believable. (Of course, you don't know that she knows already ;))

"It's ok, you just need rest," she assured, taking the thermometer out, it read a cold temperature, of course she didn't tell you.
"Looks like a flu, don't worry, you'll be all better in a couple of days."
"Ok mom"
"Let me change quickly and start with lunch, while you rest here." She said and went upstairs. Closing the bedroom door, she took out her phone, placing a call.

"Yes (Y/M/N)?"
"I hope you know what you're doing Slenderman! She's very sick!" The faceless man at the end of the line chuckled, "have no fear, the powers only need to settle in and she'll be as fit as a fiddle in no time."
"And the transformations?"
"Well... she'll need to stay out of public eye for a while~" (Y/M/N) huffed in annoyance, ending the call.

"Calm down, (Y/M/N). (Y/N) is going to be just fine." She told herself before getting changed and going back downstairs.

3rd Person's POV
The mansion was chaotic as usual; Jeff and Jane at each other's throats, Ben loudly playing video games, other members of the house arguing with themselves while some were running around screaming.
Masky made his way to his boss's office.
"Come in" the voice answered his knocks.
"You wanted to see me, Sir?"
"Ah yes, I'll need you to take this to (Y/M/N). She knows what to do with it." He replied, handing Masky a necklace.

" He replied, handing Masky a necklace

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"On it." He said and left.
"Where are you going?" Jeff asked.
"On a mission, where else?" Masky answered and left before he could be asked more questions.
"I'm gonna follow him" Jeff announced, getting up.
"Goodluck with that." Ben absent-mindedly (Is that correct? Oh well *shrugs*) answered. Jeff shook his head and followed Masky secretly. It was a bit late so Jeff was able to hide and follow from a safe distance. Masky stopped in front of a house which was somewhat isolated and knocked on the front door.
"What the hell is he doing? Why the fuck is he being sent to a mortal!" He muttered to himself as he watched from a tree.
(Y/M/N) answered the door, "oh hello Masky. How are you doing?" She greeted.
"I'm alright. I was told to bring you this." He said, handing her the pendant.
"Wonderful! I'll let him know I've received it. Would you like to come inside? I gave (Y/N) some pills to help her fall asleep"
"I'd love to but I have some work I need to attend to. Thank you though"
"That's quite alright, I know very soon we wouldn't have to hide this anymore."
"Yes, this is the most unique process I've ever witnessed though. Thank you again, I'll be on my way."
Masky left the premises, going back to the mansion, Jeff having left earlier so as not to get caught.

"I'm telling you dude, Slender is hiding something from us" Jeff told Ben.
"And why do you care?" Ben asked, busy mashing buttons on his Nintendo.
"Because I want to fucking know what it is"
"It could be a new recruit. You did say Masky was talking to someone and Slender would only allow us to be seen by new recruits"

A rookie huh? Well, Jeff plans on making their life hell.

"You're right. Well, no rookie has it easy in this house. I'll make sure to let them know they're not welcome" Jeff laughed.
"You're right, and if they can't take it anymore and want to leave well... there's only one way out of this house~" Ben grinned evilly. Somehow the pair managed to get everyone on their side, except the proxies who couldn't care less. How fun~

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