Chapter 11: Reminiscence / Réminescence

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The twins:

The twins:

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Chapter 11:

Reminiscence / Réminescence

Trigger Warnings: Panic Attack / mention of self-harm / mention of blood / hurt AND comfort / PTSD /

As I force my eyes open to avoid drawing too much attention, I fixate on a point in the distance and my mind empties of all thought. My body stiffens, overwhelmed by the wave of panic washing over me. It's as if I'm sinking into a murky, icy pool, and the weight of it pulls me deeper and deeper. My vision blurs and I blink rapidly, desperate to stave off the dissociation that threatens to take hold.

I can feel that Ominis is about to say something, he's been shaking my arm lightly to catch my attention. I look up at him, surprised to see his lips moving, is he talking to me? I wonder. I lean my ear closer to him, struggling to make out his words. His lips keep moving, but the sounds blend into a jumbled mess. I strain to listen, feeling like I'm trapped behind a thick wall of glass.

No, not glass. It's like I'm submerged in water, sinking deeper into the muddy depths, and Ominis is calling out to me from above. Why? His eyebrows are furrowed in concern, I realize, I frown mine back in confusion. I want to ask him what's wrong, but as I part my lips the murky water gets in, rushing in my mouth, clogging my throat in a second. My eyes widen as I realize I can't breathe.

I'm drowning.

My grip on Ominis tightens as he tries to steady me, but I feel like I'm losing my grasp on reality. The murky water swallows me whole, and I'm sinking deeper and deeper. I can see the faint outline of Ominis above me, but it feels like he's miles away. His hand is slipping from mine, and I'm slipping away with it.

I'm so cold.

So, so cold.

Another pair of hands grab onto me, more voices calling me from afar, so far away. I feel someone's arms wrap tightly around my waist, pulling me up with a fierce strength. To the surface? I wonder.

I struggle to keep my eyes open, to see who it is that's saving me. And then, through the murky water, I catch a glimpse of Ominis.

So close.

Yet, so far.

As I stare into Ominis' eyes, I notice the intricate details in them - the deep, mesmerizing blue and the bright white piercing them too. They remind me of the ocean. But not the familiar one from home that's warm and gentle. Instead, Ominis' eyes evoke images of a somber and frigid sea, one that creeps onto my skin and sends a shiver down my spine. I can almost feel the angry waves crashing against the cliffs with violence, like the pain that's slowly engulfing me.

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