Chapter 9

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I have to be on time. Today I have the rescheduled client meet with boss and I don't want to make any chance for boss to tell me anything. My boss is typical bossy type and I have heard him shout to many employees for mistakes. I don't want to ruin my prestigious place in this office. Plus my promotion will also be at stake if I don't end up satisfying him.
    We all settled down and waited for boss to come.  He entered exactly at 10 am. I can't see his face but he is hot from behind. He is wearing a white shirt from which his abs are clearly visible and the way his trousers are hung down from his waist makes my panties goes wet . Suddenly , the thought of Lorenzo appeared in my head and the way his pants used to hung down. Gosh I don't want his thoughts in mind. I need to concentrate today. I cannot afford to fuck things up because of some random jerk who just wanted me for sex and didn't have the balls to tell me that. How big of a coward he is. 
             "Okay everyone let's start today's meeting" and he turned to face us.  At that very moment the world around me spun. I lost my balance. I can't believe , it was him. Lorenzo. Lorenzo stared at me with shock or surprise. I don't know but I can't handle the situation and my tears are on full force and I can't stop them either. Everyone was looking at us. "Lynn , how do you...? What are you doing here?, " he asked all surprised as if he had no idea why I was there in the first place. I can't frame my answer. "WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU HERE FOR? DO YOU THINK THIS IS A PLACE OF JOKE?" he shouted . He shouted at me in a room filled with known and unknown people. Didn't he think once before doing what he just did? I was holding on the edge of the table and my hands hurt as my knuckles have gone white from the popping of the vein and stopping the blood circulation. I can't tolerate this anymore. This is pure humiliation. First he decides to leave without a message and now he is shouting and demanding for answers infront of so many people. Just because he's the man who the fuck has given him the authority to treat me like shit? I deserve some amount of respect because the sex was consentual in the first place. How did he get the audacity to flip me like a pebble on the road? I took all my stuff and rushed out of the room embarrassingly and filled with shame and disgust. The thought of having sex  with my boss stoked my head more than twice.  I can't do this anymore. This is insane. This can't work. Will the company allow me anymore after having everything? Will he ever want me ? I know I can't be without him but is it any way possible that he will accept the fact that I didn't took an advantage for any kind of promotions. This is all crazy .

I heard Scar calling for me but I was too engrossed with the thoughts overcrowding my mind. The possibility of having sex with boss was so less but then again here I am.  I left the office and ran to my hotel.
I entered room and placed the do not disturb tag on the door. I can't stay here. I know Lorenzo will not come running after me but ... Why didn't he say that he was my boss? He wanted to take my advantage? I was such a fool to fall for him . I am stupid. I don't deserve him. I want to go back. Why don't I go and check on Mom. That would be a great idea.
Dear Lorenzo,
I know you will never get this letter but I'm still writing this to you. I grew very fond of you within a very short time and never thought of a situation that happened. I don't know whether it was planned or coincidences but I can't do this.  I can't have a relationship with my boss. That would be like taking advantage of you; taking advantage of the company which in the very first place gave me the opportunity to start fresh. . I don't know where will I go now but I will make  sure to be away from you so that you never find me again and we don't cross paths. The thought of me losing you have been giving me mini heart attacks but this won't work anyway. And thank you for saving me whenever I tripped off and have a good life ahead.. I can't tell you how embarrassed and ashamed of myself now that I am wanting or I would say craving you, your touch, your arms around me, your smell. You made me feel safe and comfortable but that is never going to be possible ever again. Somethings are better left unsolved. It's best for everyone.

Lynnette Eto.

I was packing my bag but I can't go home. I don't have my flights booked. Suddenly a message appeared on my phone. It was from my best friend,  Rave.
"Hey babe. I'm in California. Wanna hang out?". She was online so I texted her back...
"Oh my god, Rave. Where are you staying? "
"I have rented an apartment"
"That's great. Can I stay there for a while?"
"But why..any problem?"
"Long story . I'll tell you when we meet."
"Okay babe, no problem. I'll send you my address."
"Thanks a lot. You are my savior"
"My pleasure, dearie. "
I packed my bag. I stuffed everything in my suitcase and locked the door behind me. I booked a cab which was fortunately near me and was ready to pick me up in any minute. I gave my keys to the receptionist and left. The blondie was trying to find reasons behind my sudden departure but I just ran off.


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