jeremy swayman (smut)

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Summary : Jeremy gets jealous seeing Y/Nntalk to other guys

Summary : Jeremy gets jealous seeing Y/Nntalk to other guys

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Warnings : jealousy

Word Count : 2431



"Stop flirting with him, Y/N!" Jeremy yelled.

"One, I'm not flirting with him!" I replied. "Two, you're my best friend. Why do you care who I flirt with. It's not like we're dating!" I snapped.

He looked at me, anger spreading on his face. "He's bad news, Y/N!"

"And why's he bad news? Just because you don't like him?!" I looked at him, the tone in my voice rising.

"Y/N, he's a known fuck boy! He plays with girls hearts, then chews them out!"

"Why are you so worried about me?! I'm a grow adult!" I yelled. "I can handle my own shit, Jeremy." I said to him, anger in my voice.

"I'm worried because you're my best friend!" He yelled in return.

"You're acting like you like me!" I snapped.

He scoffed, anger growing on his face. "Oh get over yourself!"

"I'm very over myself, you however are not." I said turning away from him, rolling my eyes angrily.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around to make me look at him.

"Y/N, I do not like you, okay? Even if you think I do, I don't."

"You clearly do." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Well, you like whoever the fuck that guy was."

"You really think I like him?" I said, a disgusted tone in my voice.

"I saw the way you looked at him!" Jeremy snapped.

"I was not looking at him in any romantic way!" I yelled, very upset.

"Oh, oh? Really?" He said, sounding the angriest he ever had.

"Oh my god, stop acting so jealous!" I yelled, unhappy with him.

He glared at me, and took a breath. "I am not jealous. Fuck off, Y/N."

"Gladly." I mumbled.

I pushed past him and walked to my bedroom. I locked the door, and then sat on my bed. I sat there for a couple minutes, my chest heaving, fists clinched. Sure, Jeremy and I have gotten into arguments before. You're bound to get into arguements with your best friend. The thing is, Jeremy and I have never gotten into an arguement this heated.

I was trying to calm myself down before I heard my door knob turning, and then a knocking at my door.

"Go away, Jeremy!" I yelled.

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