35| Fear Of Uknown

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All I want is for him to fuck me and I'll die in peace.

I'd gladly have my tombstone engraved with death by Aleksander's massive cock. I can mostly definitely confirm my estimate on the size. Aleksander doesn't wait one second and starts to clean me up. He grabs some wipes and immediately gets to work.

"Angel," he gently gets my attention, caressing me with his palms whilst wiping me down. "What are we doing?"

The question strikes my soul.

What are we doing?

"I-I I don't know Aleksander." His soft touch conveys a thousand emotions to me. I didn't need to bring up the rejection, Billy spouting nonsense or even Adrain. It could all wait.

"I'm confused about everything. Sometimes I feel like I'll explode around you." My voice barely a whisper. I'd hate to mess up again, it's almost like it's all I've been doing lately.

Forever the mess up

I forget I'm naked until I realise that Aleksander is reaching for my discarded items of clothing. He dresses me back up with each piece, taking his time. This is probably the most gentlest another person has ever been to me.

Each touch is the personification of a million feathers.

"That's not a good thing Angel." He teases me, moving a few strands of hair out of my face.

I'm glad that the mood has taken a lighthearted direction. His smile always adds a strange type of warmth. The only downside to this man is his electric questioning gaze. It has no business lighting me up inside every time I see his face.

"I mean you make me nervous," I nervously admit, avoiding eye contact . "Like really nervous."

A mischievous grin make home on his face. I know that look all too well.

" You don't know yourself very well, it's like you've completely forgotten seducing me earlier."

What? How dare he

"I did no such thing!"

"Alek, pull my hair," he mimics me. My face grows a thousand times hotter. "Nervous don't make me laugh."

"Aleksander." I can't help the glare forming as retaliation.

He smirks. "There you go again, turning me on. It isn't fair."

"I literally just said your name."

"It's enough to do things to me."

"Just stop talking." I grumble turning my head away from him. He needs to stop spouting nonsense. It's not right and it's most definitely not fair for my stupid beating heart. It should be illegal to let those words come out of his mouth.

I find myself coming to the realisation that he can't control himself around me. The feeling would be mutual. It's absolute torture not falling straight into this mans arms.

His hands wander all over me, before talking extra long on my face."I couldn't put into words how scared you make me."


He nods. "Terrified about the things you make me feel."

"We should probably talk a-"

The banging of gunfire paralyses me.

The sound forces us into reality that's far away from our unrealistic daydream. 

"Alek what's going on?" I look towards him expecting a mirror of my own fear. Instead, Aleksander doesn't even flinch. We're in a nightclub surely this isn't normal.

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