4| Ultimate Nuisance

466 28 64

* TW: Homophobic language


Mika is currently trembling like a newborn lamb. I don't understand. His mood has changed in an instant. The rest of my group came and sit with me and Mika. This pale guy with straight hair chooses to sit right next to Mika, invading his private space.

"Hey, I'm Billy. Nice to meet you, Angelo."

He introduces while stretching his hand out for me to shake. I shake his with a firm grip, a warning of some sort. I'm good at reading people and I can sense something shady from him.

The other person makes his way over. I notice him checking me out.
"Hello beautiful, I'm Alexi."

I admire his looks, you'd be a fool not to. His dark sleek hair is in a high ponytail, it allows the world to see his multiple piercings. The dangly star one really catches my eye. I've always wanted to get one done, but he never let me. Maybe I'll finally be able to.

"My name is Angelo, I would suggest using it," I reply coldly. I can't get close to anyone in that way again plus Alexi and I wouldn't work. He's totally a bottom in denial.

"Hi Mikey, did you miss me?"

I hear Billy whisper to Mika. Mika is squirming like crazy in his seat. The realisation hits that I need to get this over with for both of our sakes.

"We need to decide where to do our work. Then we can get a plan done," I boldly state glancing at a shaky Mika. He currently resembles a leaf on a windy day, moving back and forth against a cold breeze.

In an instant, Billy and Alexi make it clear we can't work at their place. They're acting really weird, but then again I don't know them. My cautious attitude will protect me from making the same mistakes again.

"How about your place Mikey," Billy teasingly taunts Mika with a cold glint in his eyes.

Mika reluctantly shakes his head.

"Why not?" Billy snaps.

"W...e...we just c..can't," Mika stutters out. Staring at his own lap fiddling with his fingers.

"We will do at my place," I announce trying to take the heat of Mika.

Mika gives me a small smile. Billy looks pissed. Alexi looks amused. I just want to get this over with. I've had enough human interaction today to last me a lifetime.



After the session ends, we all make our way over to my apartment. Our goal for today was to get a plan down for the project so everyone knows what they're doing.

I lead the way to the elevator with Mika beside me. Billy and Alexi are trailing behind us whispering like idiots. They think I can't hear them. Fools.

"I can't believe he lives here," Alexi quietly states, looking around amazed.

"He must be rich," Billy points out.

"No kidding, rich and hot," Alexi retorts while running his hands through his dark hair.

"Don't tell me you're into guys, that's disgusting," Billy counters while scrunching his face up.

"Why wouldn't I be, it would be my pleasure to explore that beautiful body of his. Besides, you can't call me disgusting when your homophobic ass is obsessing over Mika twenty-four hours a day."

I commend Alexi in my head. His confidence is something I really admire. Standing up to bullies is my favourite pastime. Maybe we could've been friends if I wasn't so damaged.

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