2| An eye for an eye

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I glance at my watch, such a waste of my precious time.

"No more. Ahhhhhh, it hurts please," he desperately begs.

I speak, looking directly in his eyes, " You know Andre I'm not a patient man, so I'll ask you one last time. Why did you steal from me?"

He looks terrified as he replies, " I had to they made me."

My jaw clenches as I interrogate further, "Who? Answer now or so help me god I will skin you alive."

"I can't they'll kill me, please I beg you." That is the final straw, I punch him repeatedly until he can't breathe.

After a few minutes, he heavily breathes out, ".....t....they.....we....were.... masked."

Looking at the mess of a man in front of me. The one who worked for my father before me then worked for me his entire life. All the work he put in was now useless. A waste of time. He set it on an uncontrollable, raging fire the moment he betrayed me. Now, he has the pleasure of watching it burn.

"Torture him some more, then dispose of him. I have no use for traitors," I shout to the head torturer.

With that last order, I walk out of the torture chamber past two of my guards. I continue down a long dark corridor. Normally, I don't do interrogations they're handled by my right hand.

Today was different. Someone betrayed me, chose to act against me and it made my blood boil. I feel like I'm going to explode. I've never felt this angry before. In this world, you have two choices to be weak or to be strong. To become strong you must have no weakness. That means love no one, don't let anybody in. My father made that mistake and to this day he's still paying the price. I glance at my hand, it's completely covered in vibrant scarlet blood.

I finally reach the end of the corridor and make my way up the concrete stairs. I see more of the people that work for me. They look down to show their respect. I hum a sweet tune, as I reach my office. I grab the whiskey bottle and fill two glasses. He should be arriving any minute now.



Dimitri Aslanov. My right hand. People are just as terrified of him, as they are of me. There are many words to describe him. 

Annoying. Loud. Crazy. Obnoxious. Volatile.

He prattles on and on and on. Until I explode. He purposely pushes my buttons to get a reaction. If it was anyone else they would be six feet under but Dimitri isn't just my right hand.

He's my family. When he was 10, he joined our family and from that day he has always been my brother. We never asked about his family. When he arrived his skin was painted with black and purple bruises.

It's actually fucking hilarious, I hated him at first he took my little brother away from me. That boy idolised Dimitri and in turn, Dimitri worshipped the ground he walked on. My brother's death destroyed him. He didn't talk to anyone, eat or even sleep. I mirrored him. My brother was this adorable chubby boy who loved everyone and anything.

If you had a tiny cut, he ran out with the first aid box. If you were sad, he would sing and light up your world. If you were hungry, he would force food down your throat. I missed him more each day.

"Alek! Alek! Alek! Alekkkk!!!" I snap out my thoughts as Dimitri chants like a child. He walks over and grabs his glass.

"Shut up before I snap your neck," I aggressively snap.

He smirks before giving his usual sarcastic retort, " You'll miss me too much. You act like you hate me but the truth is without me you'd go crazy. Doomed to be an angry, bitter old man!".

There's a shred of truth in his words. I really didn't have anyone. My father is off somewhere exploring the world. My brother is dead. My mother is dead. They are the reason  I refuse to ever love again. This world is too cruel.

" I know I gave you a well-needed reality check but let's get down to business." He makes his way over and sits down on one of the chairs near the desk.

"Are the shipments on track for tonight?" I ask.

"Yes, everything is running smoothly but I have a concern that we have another snake amongst us."

My jaw clenches, I'm really being tested today. I fill up another cup as Dimitri carries on, "I think it would be best if I go along to ensure the safety of the delivery."

"Go along, kill anyone who gets in your way."

"Definitely boss!" He answers in a slight sing-song tone.

He proceeds to pass me some papers.
"There's one more thing Alek, someone has bought a building on your turf."

" I don't see how that's important. Is it anyone with connections to the criminal world or the mafias?" I question as I flip through the papers.

"No, it's really strange."
"What do you mean?" I probe, growing slightly more intrigued by each second.

" The person who bought it, is only 19 years old." I look at him completely shocked. You could only buy a building like that if you came from a wealthy family or had some connections.

"Did you get a name, Dimitri?"
"Yes, it's Angelo Valentino De La Costa." A very long name I thought to myself, not that I could say anything mine was just as long.

" I want a full background check on him."

He smirks with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"I'll get it to you as soon as I can, I really need to get ready for tonight. Can I leave your majesty?"

I glare as I order him to," Go."

He reaches the door when I call out to him.

"Dimitri stop, make sure you stay safe tonight. That means don't do anything stupid. I know you're one of the best, but a traitor puts even you at risk."

He looks at me sadly, but within a second that disappears. The permanent smirk he wore on most days, graces his face as he replies.

"Awwwww, you do love me. Don't worry Alek I'm the best in the game. I'll make sure I come back, just to annoy you!"

He leaves me to my thoughts. My head has always been utterly consumed with the darkness of my past. For the first time in a long time, I thought about this mysterious person named Angelo. Who exactly are you?

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