3| First day

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Yesterday, I managed to secure a location for my shop. It will contain two of my all-time favourite things. A cafe on the top floor, to earn money in the daytime. I have a major coffee addiction, almost as big as my sweet tooth. Everything from small pastries, brownies, tarts, cakes, and cookies. I love them all unconditionally and you better believe that I'll be sneaking a few away. I'm in charge so what I say goes.

On the bottom floor, there will be a speakeasy. Back home, I used to sneak out through my bedroom window and visit these magical places. I felt powerful and alive when I did. I also found an architect to design it for me. I had described what I wanted and sent measurements, he was just about to send the initial designs to me.

My laptop pings. I take a sip of my warm coffee and open up the email. I have dreamed of this day for years. The designs were everything I had imagined and more. The cafe has a light and airy feel to it while the speakeasy has more of an enticing and seductive appeal to it.  I quickly glance at my to-do list.

I've got an immense amount of tasks and only one day until school starts. I really don't want to call Lorenzo so I'll move that to the bottom of my list. Lorenzo is my best friend from back home, he owns a massive tech company. He's a literal billionaire at 20. We met when I saved him from bullies when we were younger.

From that day he started following me around like a duckling does to it's mother. At first, it was annoying as hell but let's just say he grew on me. I don't want to talk to him as he would ask me about how I'm feeling. That man is a literal therapist. I'm not really in the best mood to talk about feelings.

How do you tell someone who cares about you how utterly worthless you feel. Turns out he was the only person who didn't betray me. I'm glad I have at least one person I can rely on.

I thought I knew what the world was capable of, turns out my stupidity clouded my judgment.

Anyway, I should really stop thinking about things I can't change.  The next task would be to contract the builders so we can get started straight away. I ran my fingers gently across the small black notebook Lorenzo gave me. It contains a list of contacts that could help me with anything.



I had managed to contract the builders, they explained how they could start the work today. The work would most likely be completed in 3 days as there isn't a lot to do. Another thing is, I paid them extra money to complete it faster.

Currently, I'm getting ready to attend my first class. My entire suitcase has puked across the floor, my clothes are scattered everywhere. I settle for a medium-length checkered blazer, black skinny jeans, and a black band teeshirt. I tuck my teeshirt into my jeans and put my hair up into a messy bun. I pop on my combat boots and dash away.

Thankfully, I make it on time to my first class. I did stop on the way to grab some coffee and a maple syrup pastry. It took my breath away. 2 layers of pure joy.

I put on an emotionless face and enter the giant university lecture hall. I'm taking a business degree and I hope everyone is as serious as I am. I stroll along until I reach a seat at the front, making myself comfy.

As each person enters, I feel the questioning stares that linger a little too long for my liking. The whispers would make anybody feel self-conscious but not me. I've been to the deepest layers of hell and come back a different person. Scratch that. I came back myself amplified by a thousand.

All the tears, anger and self-hatred have moulded me into an unrecognisable person. I may be different but I would take it any day over that blue-eyed puppy I once was.

I see something that shocks me to the core. I would never admit it but sort of brightens my day up. Little Mika scurrying to the seat next to me.

I watch his adorable face scrunch up as he musters up the courage to speak to me. He squeaks, "H....Hi..An....Angelo," whilst fiddling with his hands.

I reply gently not wanting to frighten him, "Hello, little one. I didn't know you were in this class."

With a sudden burst of courage and a faint pout he points out,  "i..I've been.. h..here since the s..start. Your.. t...the one.. who... C..came.. two..m..months.. late."

It surprises me because, by the way, Mika carries himself and his stutter, you would assume he didn't like socialising. Maybe that isn't entirely true. Even though I've known Mika a day, I feel somewhat proud.

The lecturer enters and silence engulfs the room. 
"Welcome everybody, today we have a new student, Angelo. Why don't you introduce yourself, darling," she says in a seductive tone with a wink.

Dear Lord, please have mercy on my semi innocent soul. I'm all for teacher-student role play but I don't jump into things, there has to be an emotional connection. If their personality clicks with mine, it's perfect. Looking back I'm not really a good judge of character.

"I'm Angelo Valentino La Costa. I'm 19 years old and from London. Nice to meet you all," I project in a flat tone.

No one could figure out I had lied about where I'm from. Not a soul. I couldn't have them find me, it's a matter of survival. This time I have the upper hand and there is no way I'm losing.

With that, I sit down and listen to her drabble on about how she has a young soul trapped in an older women's body. She looks directly at me and I respond with a sickeningly sweet smile. I need to ensure my grades don't suffer, so I shall endure this torture.

"Angelo, sweetheart you joined at the perfect time. We are starting a new project, you'll be put into groups of four."

She proceeds to read out the list for the groups.
" And finally Angelo, Mika....," Mika smiles at me.

"...Alexi and Billy." within a second Mika's smile vanishes and is replaced by a look of fear.

Wanted to confirm that Angelo is pansexual, I feel like this sexuality is really underrepresented in books.

Also, why do you think Mika's mood plummeted?

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