32| Hatred Is A Strong Word

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I'm practically naked and in public

Let me take you back to how this day started. I went to class as normal, was the normal studious Angelo. Every member of my group was there including Billy who ignored like he didn't exist. The slowly day passed but I constantly noticed eyes on me.

My first mistake was making eye contact with those satanic weapons. They belonged to Alexi, who I'd surprisingly grown closer to over the last week. My opinions completely changed towards him. He wasn't obnoxious or arrogant, just overly confident. I definitely jump the gun when it comes to meeting people.

Akexi begged for me to join him on a night out. I thought he had a crush on me at at first but we quickly established that we weren't interested in each other like that. That and the fact all I could think about was one green eyed man.

My current automated, ingrained response would flat out be no thanks. Going out, used to be something I thrives on, it brought me to life. Exploring and dancing in every inch of my favourite city.

The grown man Alexi proceeded to tell me a long sob story about his ex and his manipulation

I was a goner.

Those type of men made my blood boil until overflowing.

Naturally, Mika was immediately invited, his response was that he'd never every had a night out let alone entered a club before. He's the biggest green flag I've ever met, his future partner would be lucky with such a angel.

We're all currently lounging around my bedroom, deciding outfits, more like Alexi ordering what our outfits will be.

I hate to say that I'm a tiny bit excited.


"Angelo, you're wearing one of these two options," Alexi orders his high poney tail swaying from side to side.

A black chiffon ruffle shirt


This lacy option

Don't get me wrong, I've most definitely worn outfits like these before, but Alexi takes things to a whole extra level.

Not just the outfit, he promised makeup and hair.

"I'll wear this," I take the ruffle shirt option and head into the bathroom.

I slip out of my clothes becoming annoyingly aware of the cool breeze greeting me. My nipples are most definitely on show. Fuck why did I agree to this, it's snowing outside. I hate the cold more than anything, I'd take a day in bed over forcing myself to ensue it.

But I'm definitely going. First, I've never seen Mika this happy before and second, I actually like Alexi. We're so similar yet so different at the same time.

As I walk back into the room, I can hear music and laughter as Alexi attempts to tame Mika's pretty curly hair.

They're both humming along to Whitney's I want to dance with somebody.

Mika is wearing a white turtle neck with a diagonal slit, it looks like something straight off a magazine cover. It's paired too perfectly with a pair of classic blue jeans. His look is relaxed but still super cute at the same time, meanwhile the demon next to him decided to go all out.

A rhinestone covered top with front and back panels, the masterpiece was held together with a thin criss cross of stone covered strings on the sides. To pair with this he has on some tight white flares.

"Angelo, with the way you're starting one would think you have a crush on me," Alexi points out as a giggle escapes Mika.

I go over to the bed , "You think too highly of yourself."

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