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"Niraiya—what are you doing here, ma?"

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"Niraiya—what are you doing here, ma?"

Kay stood, pushing the doorway half open. His hair was still blown out—looking wild, even though Kay had tried to tame it by throwing it into a bun. He wore a white wife beater and a pair of grey sweats. He looked confused, staring down at her, and Niraiya couldn't help but choke on her words. Her cheeks, nose, hands, and ears were freezing cold and she shivered uncontrollably.

"Hi Kay." She said breathlessly.

"I thought you were in Toronto," Kay murmured, looking her up and down head to toe, "when did you get back?"

"Like—thirty minutes ago?" Niraiya estimated aloud. "You still have my location?" She tilted her head to the side with a smile.

Kay nodded.

"Yeah, I do, I honestly forgot about it though not gonna lie," he chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck, "went crazy looking for you before I thought of checking my phone."

"Oh, well—" Niraiya mumbled, shuffling on her feet, "I—uh, heard the song. I-I really love it. Thank you. I just—I just—I don't even know what I'm saying to be honest." She stammered, shaking her head as she stumbled over her words. "Like I had this whole big ass speech planned out—everything I wanted to tell you. The most important thing is I love the song, Kay. I love y—"

Niraiya didn't even get the chance to say anything else as Kay picked her up, hugging her to his chest. She squeaked in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck and securing herself by looping her legs around his waist. He breathed her in deeply, and Niraiya just held him as best as she could.

They stood out there in the cold, just embracing each other, before the cold nipped at them harshly.

"C'mon, let's go inside and talk, mama," Kay whispered in her ear, moving backwards for a second, "hold on tightly."

"Kay, please don't fucking drop me." Niraiya pleaded quietly--fearful--as Kay bent down slightly. She whimpered into Kay's neck, making him chuckle as he grabbed her bags, letting go of her body completely.

"Chill, I'm not gon' drop you." He assured her, walking them inside, but that didn't stop Niraiya from tightening her grip as they entered the warmth of the townhouse. Kay rolled his eyes, dropping her things by the floor unceremoniously.

"Kevin, ¿quién era ese en la puerta (Kevin, who was that at the door)?" Niraiya recognized the sound of Jackie's voice and she scrambled to get away from Kay, but he refused to let her go—just gripped her thighs with both hands, preventing her from moving unless she wanted to fall and buss her head.

"Oh, Niraiya!" Jackie exclaimed, turning the corner, wiping her hand on a rag. "Hello mi amor (my love), Merry Christmas."

"Hi Tía," Niraiya mumbled into Kay's neck, too embarrassed to raise her head, "Merry Christmas."

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