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"Khadijah, I want to go home," Niraiya's voice called out to her friend

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"Khadijah, I want to go home," Niraiya's voice called out to her friend. Khadijah's head snapped up, slipping her phone into her purse, taking in Niraiya's shaking body and frightened gaze.

"What's wrong, Raiya?" Khadijah said, rushing to her immediately, "wait, who are you?" Khadijah paused, pulling Niraiya to her side, looping an arm around her shoulders. Niraiya looped her arms around her too, seeking comfort. The light skin shuffled unsure on his feet.

"I'm Skins, I was just trying to bring her back to you--"

"So, why the fuck is she shaking?" Kay cut him off, mugging him, coming closer. Dougie--who had been getting danced on by some shorty--straightened up at the sound of Kay's serious tone of voice, furrowing his brows, shoving the smoochie off him, walking over to the group who started to attract a bit of attention.

"What's good?" Dougie asked, sizing up the light skin in front of them, "Raiya, you good?" He called out over his shoulder, the two of them acting like a barrier.

"Raiya, what happened? Did this dirty ass nigga touch you?" Khadijah asked her friend, her hackles rising. Niraiya just shook her head against her shoulder.

"Bro, can we please just go home?" Niraiya asked her and Khadijah bit her lip, looking between her friend who seemed exhausted and burnt out to Dougie and Kay who wasted no time, pressing the guy instantly. Setty, Cblu, Nas, and the rest of them lying around on the couches stood up too as the discussion escalated. Khadijah knew Kay wouldn't let this go without acting out in Niraiya's defence so she decided to remove Niraiya from the situation as she saw Kay grab the guy's collar, bringing him closer.

"Alright, let's go, we out, Setty, come with us," Khadijah urged, and Setty nodded, following behind the girls as they left. Niraiya fucking hated this shit. She couldn't enjoy a damn party without some shit popping off. Behind them, she heard shouting coming from inside the house--Kay's voice being the loudest of them all. It lasted for almost ten minutes, Niraiya winced everytime she heard a distinct thud or crash from within.

"Bro, I don't give a fuck about none of that shit! You know my fucking body, nigga, don't ever forget that shit. Try some shit with Niraiya and see if I don't beat your fucking face in again."

They walked towards a silver Nissan 370Z. Setty unlocked the doors and Niraiya--at Khadijah's insistence--sat down in the passenger seat, her legs sticking out of the car, her small purse in her lap. She frowned deeply, staring at the pavement. Setty took a hit from his vape, letting out a small chuckle as the commotion from within the house intensified.

"That nigga Kay is on demon time," he muttered to them, blowing out a puff of smoke as they sat around waiting for the rest of them to emerge.

"You know how he get about her," Khadijah shrugged, leaning against Setty's car, "you sure you're good, Raiya? Tell me what actually happened in there. That guy gave me weird vibes."

𝐍𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐘𝐀'𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 / 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora