Chapter Forty Four: An Act of Insanity

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"Hey, why'd you leave school early?" Kayla asked the next day at lunch.

"Yeah, we missed you," Jack said

"I guess I still hadn't gotten used to being away from Lucille."

"Aww, that's sweet!" Kayla said. "I hope to meet her one day."

"I might bring her to our graduation. I'm thinking about it."

At the ringing of a bell, it signified lunch was over and our electives were starting. I noticed that Maddie was still aggressively eyeing Gus, so it seemed that they weren't on speaking terms and neither was Nathan because he stood about five feet away from him. Camilla instantly stood up and began talking with Gustav. Growing curious, I stood as close as possible to regrettably eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Why aren't we talking anymore?" Camilla asked.

"What do you mean? You think we're still in a "relationship"?"

"You mean we weren't?"

"Camilla, I don't want to talk about this right now. I have a class, a child, and performance in a month-"

"-I don't care anymore. You lied to me."

"Miss Jiminez, I suggest you watch your tone, or-"

"-or what?!"

"As much as I hate talking to students this way, get the h*ll out of my face."

Camilla stormed off with a furious scoff, purposely running into me.

"Something's wrong with your friend," I muttered to Thorax.

"She's been like this all week," he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "But it'll be fine. She'll grow out of it...hopefully."

On the walk to the theater, Camilla cut into our group, grabbed my hair, and dragged me into a dark corner.

"So wh*re, what's your secret?!"

"Back off!"

"What's...your...secret? How'd you get him?"

"He's not yours, Camilla. Now get the h*ll off of me."

"I loved him. I have loved him ever since I met him, and you took him from me!"

"Well, I'm sorry, but you were never in a relationship in the first place!"

"Yeah, well, we were friends at one point. Then you showed up and had to go and get pregnant with his child! Do you deny it?!" She said, slamming me against the wall.

The sudden attack resulted in me punching her in the face. She let go of me, and I quickly backed away.

"You're insane!" I exclaimed before running away.

I rubbed at my sore jaw, watching bitterly as Celeste ran away.

"F*ck..." I muttered, tasting blood.

I was surprised she had managed to hit me hard enough to result in that effect. Instead of following her, I decided to head to my dance class with Alonzo—I'd fight later. As I walked down the velvet halls, I began to hear a faint whispering voice in my ear. My full name was repeated over and over again as the voice echoed throughout the room.

"Hello?" I said, turning around and then facing forward, half-expecting this to be some kind of sick joke.


"Who are you?"

"I've been watching you..." The voice sounded almost majestic like a queen. It reminded me of Adina, but that couldn't be! What would Adina want with me? Why would she even be here? "...I've seen your faults, your mistakes, your successes. I've also seen others hurt you. The world is so unfair, is it not?"

Zoophobia - A "Safe" Haven: Book 3: January - MarchWhere stories live. Discover now