Chapter Thirty One: Happy Valentine's

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February 13th. The day before Valentine's. I had been tasked with planning this year's Valentine's dance which was also counting as the senior and junior's prom. I wasn't even a part of the student council, but I was extremely excited. I had a list of all of the things that I wanted to do. I went outside to find Celeste, another ambassador.

"Celeste, I need your help," I said, sitting at her picnic table.

"Sure, with what?"

"I have to plan the Valentine's Dance."

"Oh, really? Congratulations!"

"Thank you. Anyways, I needed some help, and considering you've been here longer than I have, and we're best friends; I figured you could help me out on this one. Well, as long as you're not too busy."

"No, I can help."

"Great! We're going to have the best time!"

"What do you have planned?" She asked, as the two of us made our way inside the building.

"Well, I need food, music, decorations, and people to bring those things. But DK already volunteered to make a Spotify playlist of love songs."

"Well, the teachers usually bring food like cupcakes and a cheese platter or something, but I think I can ask my mom to cook something."


We walked down the hall and began playing out other things.

"You know, I had another great idea."


"Two words: Phoenix singing."

"Are you serious?" Celeste asked, sounding a lot more shocked than I thought she would be.

"Yes! I mean, DK said he's heard her practice, and she's an excellent singer. You really think she's that bad?"

"I don't doubt her skill. I've heard her as well, and she's amazing, it's just that..."

"...I need her consent."

"Yeah, and Phoenix isn't too social. You need to get her in a place where she's not going to freak out or anything like that. She doesn't exactly have nerves of steel."

"Well, do you know where Phoenix is?"

Celeste nodded. "Everybody does."

"The library?" I asked, confused at why we were standing in front of the giant doors that led into the incredibly large room filled with all kinds of books.

"She's always here. It's a well-known fact about Phoenix. She never goes outside. Rain, shine, snow. You'd think she goes out in the snow, but not really." Celeste walked up to the librarian, who I was just beginning to know, Salvia. "Ms. Salvia-"

"-huh?" She asked, looking up from her book. "Would you like to check out something or do you need help?"

"I guess we need help. Do you know where Phoenix is?"

Salvia pointed a pale hand over to the table in the furthest corner where Phoenix sat, practically immersed in her reading.

"Thank you."

"Look, she's not in much of a talking mood, so if she doesn't speak to you right away-"

"-we know."

I felt a little nervous that Phoenix would turn us down, but I hoped that she would show some leniency today. Celeste and I sat at her table, and she didn't even look up.

Zoophobia - A "Safe" Haven: Book 3: January - MarchWhere stories live. Discover now