Chapter Thirty Six: Extreme Measures

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I knew there should've been a bouncer. As soon as Tyco showed up, Thorax immediately fell into a drunken rage. Despite my attempts to get him to do more dancing and having fun than drinking, he consistently persisted on going back to the bar to "refresh" himself. His personality only got worse, and he started acting really drunk, too.

"Hey, forget about that b*tch," Tyco said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I slapped it away.

"Okay, what the h*ll was that for?! Don't tell me you're actually attracted to that guy. He's clingy."

"Shut the h*ll up, Tyco. You're just the same. Stop being a hypocrite."

He rolled his eye. A smile then spread on his face, and he let out a snicker. " might have a problem."

"What now?" I growled.

"Your new "boyfriend" is gone."

"He's WHAT?!" I exclaimed, shooting my eyes in the direction of where the beer pong was.

He wanted to play. I told him to stay there and not go anywhere. How the f*ck was it that hard for an nineteen year old to stay put in a f*cking spot! I began freaking out. He could be anywhere! He could be outside trying to cross the street! Not in his state, he couldn't!

"Gotta go!" I said, taking off.

I immediately began asking around. Some of the boys playing beer pong told us that they had a fun game with him, but they didn't know where he went.

"Uh...have you seen a tall, red-haired, fox-guy?" I asked the next couple of demons.

They shook their heads and walked away.

"Have you seen a-?"

"P*ss off!" A half-jaguar, half-demon hybrid growled.

"F*ck you!" I screeched, backing up and accidentally running into JayJay. "Oh, holy sh*t! Thank goodness! Hey, I'm looking for Thorax. Have you seen him?"

"You lost him?!" she said, laughing.

I scowled. "Not the way you think."

"Well, I could've sworn I saw him at the bar. Let me know if you don't see him there; I can help look."

Without saying anything else, I ran towards the bar to find a group of people crowding in a circle. This couldn't be good. I imagined a crowd of random people kicking him while he lay on the floor, but to my surprise, I found them chanting, "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

Oh, sh*t! This definitely can't be good! I pushed my way past random people to find Thorax chugging an entire f*cking bottle of red wine without showing any sign of hesitation! He finished and threw the bottle to the side. It shattered against the wall, and people began cheering. Thorax drunkenly stumbled towards me.

"Hey, Angie..." He hiccuped. "Did y-y-ya s-sss-see me?"

"Holy sh*t," I said.

"Y-y-yeah. I w-w-was awesome. I'mma g-g-go get some more v-vodka. W-want some?"

I could only stare at the drunken mess he'd become. I never should've brought him here. I mean, I had applauded him for trying alcohol, but this had gone too far.


"Your l-loss." He began trotting over to the bar, tripping over his own boots clumsily.

I turned away, satisfied that I'd found him when I realized that—wait a sec'! This was bad! I ran after Thorax. He couldn't have any more alcohol.

"No! No more alcohol!" I said.

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