Never Stopped (Leah Williamson)

Start from the beginning

You can see her staring at you out of the corner of your eye. You ignore her hoping that she will go away. Although you two are good you still avoid been alone with her, even though technical you aren't alone with her now but everyone was doing their own thing which mean't it was like it was just the two of you.

You pause the film, taking you headphones off and turning to face the blonde.

"You look good, I mean I couldn't keep my eyes of you when we were in Dubai, whether in was on the pitch or when we were at the beach" the flirtatiousness in her voice is clear but it didn't have the effect on you Leah has hoped it would, instead it has the opposite.

You roll your eyes, shaking your head as you do so.

"You don't get to say shit like that anymore" you whisper through gritted teeth.

Once upon a time you would have loved to hear Leah say that but things are different now.

"Why not?" Leah asks innocently "I'm not with Jordan anymore" you laugh her at blatancy.

"I know, the whole team knows. I don't see why you think that would change anything"

"I just though that now that I'm single we could, you know" Leah stumbles on her words.

You shake your head in annoyance "Stop talking Leah" you tell her before putting your headphones back on and resuming your film.

20 minutes later you see Kiera sitting back down. She grabs your shoulder but you shake her off not wanting to talk to her, she knew how you felt about Leah and you were mad that she would ambush you like that.

After what feels likes forever, the plane finally lands in France. As you board the coach you sit at the front which isn't like you so the team knows that this means to leave you alone.

You get to the hotel and the team finds out who they will be sharing with for the duration of the World Cup. Phil calls your name then Lucy's, you turn to her giving her a fist bump. You know that this tournament is going to be difficult and you were hoping to share with Lucy as she is who you always shared with in Lyon, the two of you had a routine.

"Just give me a heads up and I will leave the room for a few hours, you know, so you and Kiera can have so alone time" you tease her.

"She thinks your mad at her" Lucy replies referring to her girlfriend.

"I am but I'll get over it. Did you know she was going to ambush me on the plane?" You ask.

"I did and for what it's worth I told her it was a bad idea" Lucy says as she wraps her arm around you shoulder "I take it things didn't go well?" She asks.

The two of you head to your room where you tell her what Leah said to you. It was frustrating because whilst part of you knew you still loved Leah you don't know if you will ever get over the betrayal. At the the of the day she broke your heart and then starting dating your best friend.

The group games and knockout games go as well as you could have hoped for with England winning all four games. Phil organised a Team meal at a fancy French restaurant to celebrate getting through to the Quarter finals.

At the restaurant you are sitting next to Steph, you two have been the captain and vice captain for a few years so you have gotten pretty close.

"Leah is staring" Steph says looking behind you wear the defender is sitting.

"I don't know what to do" you confided in your captain "I know she is single and you know how I feel about her but"

Steph cuts you off.

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