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mom pulled into the driveway and i went inside, throwing my backpack on the floor.


"my god, calum. do you have to yell?" mom smacked the back of his head.

he snickered. "sorry MOM." that earned him another slap.

"alright, ill tell you about it. just let me go change."

i skipped upstairs and put on my sweats, a white tshirt, and these fuzzy slipper things that were black and really comfortable. going out of my bathroom, i noticed my gross, black and blue eye.

fuck. youre screwed. i know.

i sighed and thought 'okay they didnt see it before, so lets keep my sunglasses on.' then, i remembered, it going to get dark, they will think im absolutely retarded.

i went into my parents' bathroom and took my mom's foundation out. i put some over my eye and powdered it. it looked pretty concealed and no one should notice unless they get in my face.

i went back downstairs and bryana, ashton, and calum were sitting on the couch, talking to mom and dad. i took a breath and jumped on my dad.


he smirked and held me upside down. "puke or you dont get down."

my face was getting red, all the blood rushing to my brain. "fucker." i choked out and slapped his knee, a little safe gesture we made.

he let me down and i coughed. "god im dizzy."

"you shouldve thought that one through before you decided to jump me." dad shoved me over.

"watch it or i will hide all your pizza coupons." i held my finger out.

"alright truce." we shook hands.

ash and bryana were cuddling on the couch the whole time this was going on and LORD PLEASE SAVE ME! THEY ARE THE CUTEST! i sat up and itched my eye because the makeup was gross feeling on my eye and fuck i shouldnt have done that.

"ryan? whats up with your eye?" mom turned my face towards her.

"what? nothing, what are you on about?" i moved my head the other way.

"oh fuck no. michael, hold you son down."

then i was being grabbed and held hostage on the couch.

"let go of me! what the hell?" i tried getting up and away.

mom went to her purse and brought out makeup wipes. she sat in front of me and tried to wipe my eye, but i was not having it.

"calum hold his face still, im kneeling on his feet."

calum came and stood next to me. he held my face straight and i closed my eyes. mom wiped the makeup away with one swipe and she got all mama bear on me.


i winced, my eye hurting from the pressure. "nothing, i bumped into this guys shoulder today and hit my eye." liar. you little liar.

"youre lying to me. michael look at your kids eye and tell me if that was someones shoulder."

dad stood me in front of him and moved my head to face him. his eyes widened with anger.

"who did this? who punched my kid? ON HIS FIRST DAY! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"

"alright dont stress out. relax. this brandon dude at school is a total douche to everyone and i tried asking him to leave my friend alone, after i was pushed into him earlier in the day and he yelled at me for it. he got all pissy and started calling me a faggot and making fun of my sexuality and asked if i had a 'pathetic fag crush' on him. i straight up told him no and added some of my opinions on him and all the reasons i wouldnt like him. he punched me in the face, i said that didnt phase me, and i went to class. i am fine, please chill." i breathed out.

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