chapter 3 : A monsterous night

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   As it started to get dark on moonscar Ccino, outer and lust would leave the pirates to their homes. Lust would turn and blow dust a kiss making dust smile as he did the same back . good Asgore she was beautiful... dust wished that they wouldn't have to leave the charming ladies but he knew that even if the girls allowed them to stay that pirates had one job. The job was to be on the sea and find treasures and unique islands. Error hadn't talked at all when he came back from talking to Geno... he couldn't make himself enjoy the evening or have fun with the ladies and crew... he couldn't shake off the warning... he didn't know if he could keep his promise to geno and not go save her if he heard her scream... nightmare would notice error's focused and disturbed face and sat next to him as the rest of the crew went into the ship to get ready for bed. Nightmare looked at error " error... you're normally a social young man... What happened to you while you were looking around the island? " Error sighed... he debated if he should give the warning to nightmare... he needs to... he needs nightmare to warn the others knowing the others probably wouldn't take him seriously if he told them the warning himself. " ... I ran into one of the islanders... she gave me a warning for tonight... if we hear the girls screaming tonight we... we can't go try to help them... we will end up being killed if we do so..." nightmare's still working pupil would narrow at the warning... he didn't like knowing that.... But if it meant the crew's safety he knew... they must listen to these girls. He nodded and said, " cmon error get on the ship. I will warn the others of this warning... we can't risk what might happen if we don't listen to the warning." error nodded quickly following nightmare onto the boat as the once calming sunset leaves the sky and the eerie moon and darkness fills the sky.

  As nightmare and error walked into the lower sleeping area in the boat a sudden noise outside the ship would make them both freeze in fear. A loud scream mixed with a cat yowl would echo through the quiet island. Error and nightmare froze at the yowl.... What the fuck was that? Another yell echoed through the island.... Error nearly ran out of the ship but forced himself not to... that scream was from geno... it hurt him not to break his promise to geno since the scream sounded like it was a scream of pure agony. The rest of the crew had heard the screams and attempted to run out of the sleeping area but nightmare and error quickly held them back. Dust calls out in frustration and fear " THE GIRLS ARE SCREAMING IN PAIN OUTSIDE! WE NEED TO FUCKING HELP THEM! " nightmare yelled back " WE CAN'T! ONE OF THE LASSES SAID WE WILL END UP DEAD MEN IF WE GO OUT THERE AND TRY TO SAVE THEM-" suddenly the boat would violently be shaken flinging the crew into a wall of the boat slamming into each other hard. Killer would look out of one of the porthole windows and would notice a glowing aquatic figure swimming by.... It looked like... outer... but at the same time.... A horrifying mermaid-like creature... not a beautiful mermaid either... a terrifying fish humanoid beast with a giant fin on its head. It had giant octopus-like tentacles instead of a fish tail with glowing wire like smaller tentacles.... What the fuck was happening?!

  Nightmare would notice the giant mermaid beast outside too. It was the creature causing the boat to shake. Before nightmare could figure out what to do the boat rumbled once more as a shriek of frustration and anger came from the creature . The pirates were panicking, running around the rumbling boat trying to figure out places to take cover hoping to Asgore that the ship wouldn't capsize or worse... the beast seemed to notice nightmare watching it through the porthole. He screeched slamming its fist violently at the porthole attempting to break it while its tentacles latched it onto the ship. Nightmare ran to the porthole using his body weight to keep the beast from being able to shatter the window. Despite nightmare's efforts and strength he could tell that the beast was much stronger than him... he then heard error and dust yell in unison " GET OUT OF THE WAY NIGHTMARE!" nightmare quickly moved as error and dust use the angle that the boat has been swayed to as an advantage. Two giant heavy crates come sliding towards the window blocking the beast from breaking the window. The beast growled in anger knowing that unless it detached its tentacles from the boat that it wouldn't be able to break the window with the crates in the way. For now it would let the boat go leaving for now. The boat swayed back to normal, nearly making the pirates fall from the sudden shift. Error, nightmare and dust quickly flee to safety knowing now that sleep wouldn't be an option if they wanted to survive the night.

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