chapter 1 : welcome to moonscar

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   It is a stormy day in the middle of the ocean. The harsh waves shift around a rickety old torn to shred pirate ship as it travels the harsh and stormy seas. The overwhelming smells of salty ocean water, rain, and cigar smoke fill the air blocking any other scents to the nostrils of the pirate crew. The captain with his grimy long slick black hair would glare through the mist and heavy fog looking for any signs of land for him and his crew to rest on and let this horrid storm past knowing in this weather that the boat soon enough would be nothing more than planks of driftwood and lost souls if they didn't find somewhere to rest.

Finally with the captain's one good eye he sees a large island only a few moments away from the ship. He glared around with his teal eye calling out to two of the crewmates " get the anchor ready you two! Where about to hit the shore!" he had called to a tall man covered in scars and wearing a black cloak along with a slightly younger looking pirate with long dreads with blue hints in it. The two nod looking at each other as they quickly untie the anchor from the ship waiting for the correct time to anchor the boat down.

As the boat slowly made its way to the island the menacing sight would catch one of the local islanders' attention. A tall lass with long messy red hair that went down to her thighs. She wore a worn blue jean jacket with a cream colored top under it. Her amber colored eyes glaring at the boat wondering why pirates would come... unless they hadn't heard of the legends this island hides. She would stop her work of chopping at a tree for firewood, putting her sharpened hatchet down as she walked towards where the boat was soon to arrive.

  Soon enough the boat would make it to the shore. The rusted anchor was thrown into the water to make sure the strong waves wouldn't be able to move the boat. The women glared at the boat not getting any sort of good vibes from the large vessel. The captain noticed the lass and came down from where he had been steering the boats seconds earlier. He walked down fixing his long black worn coat with teal, purple and gold embellishments on it. He glared at the lass speaking in a cold tone " you must be one of the islanders." the woman nodded. Despite having zero trust about these men she would keep her tone kind but serious " indeed i am. And who would you be and why are you on moonscar?" the captain raised a brow at the name. The name of the island brought back memories of legends he had read as a youngling who wanted to learn about all the legends of the sea. " So moonscar wasn't just a myth then..." the woman glared at him and gave a cold tone " i asked you a question sir." the pirate nodded with a groan not fond of the lasses attitude towards him already " my name is captain nightmare. Me and my crew have arrived on moonscar to ride out this storm. " the lass seemed... surprised . she sighed with a nod " fine... but after this storm is gone i'd prefer if you and your crew leave...this island aint safe for men like you and your crew. Especially at dusk.'' Well that warning sent a shiver down nightmare's spine which was rare for him... he had heard of the legends... but he never thought they were true...

  Nightmare would give his crew the motion that it was safe to come off the boat and start setting up a basic cooking area for the night knowing the storm would be here a while. The lass looked at nightmare and sighed " so have you heard the legends of this cursed island ?" nightmare nodded " indeed i have... are the supposed legends true lass? " the girl sighed with a nod " first of all there's no reason to call me lass. Just call me ccino. I'm the main caretaker of moonscar. I like to believe the legends are true due to some odd occurrences. Otherwise I have zero proof." nightmare nodded " as a child i was told by older pirates about the moonscar curse. The island was said to hold a curse that caused horrible things to happen to the locals. From men being mauled in their sleep to random menacing monsters and creatures roaming and hunting down people at dusk. Truly a scary thing to think about."

As nightmare and ccino chatted about the island the rest of the crew would eavesdrop feeling not only the coldness of the tropical storm but also fear cause goosebumps to cover their skin. They all knew of this island... even one of the crewmates during a past trip with a different crew had said that he had seen menacing beasts and even had photo proof. That crewmate had been the young man with the dreads from before better known as error. He despite being a pirate had also a fine eye for taking good photos with his old worn camera. He looked around the island... it was much more deserted then the last time he had been here years ago before he joined nightmare's crew... the island had many more locals and the wildlife had been more abundant... now the island looked nearly abandoned... What had happened? Where were all the once thriving locals.. It brought a chill to his spine..were the creatures truly as violent as they had been described?

  Error would be snapped out of his thoughts by one of his crewmates cursing at another. A large man with white long hair and a black scarf covering his mouth was cursing at a man with dirty silver hair and a worn red scarf for burning him on the arm with the lighter that dust had tossed carelessly at cross. Error rolled his eyes at the two and decided while he had time to walk around and see if he could spot any of the past residents that he had met on his first trip to Moonscar those years ago. He grabs his large camera bag along with a cantine of hard whisky and a jug of water along with some leftover salmon and oranges from last night's dinner. He walks away from the boat whistling a sea shanty to himself as he looks around at how much mother nature had taken over this once thriving island now turned into a nearly abandoned civilization.

As Error walked around towards some ruins he wouldn't notice a mysterious creature behind him. A large golden fox with nine tails would silently watch error with its goldish red eyes. Its jaw and snout have an unnatural shape . it had a menacing and unnatural smile on its face making the vixen unnerving . it would quickly flee deep into the forested parts of the island transforming into a beautiful woman in a nice gown and with her hair up with flowers decorating it... something is going on with this island... the question now is what is up with moonscar island and what happened to it? Will we ever know?

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