chapter 2 : love and hate in the air

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   As error walked around the ruins his mind was both disturbed and confused. This island once had a whole small town on it... now it was just full of ruins... he looked at the destroyed homes and listened to the stone and glass from the homes break under his boots. He would then notice a still standing stone home in the ruins.. He hadn't remembered seeing that home the last time he was here... then again the island was completely different to what he once knew so that doesnt say a lot that he doesn't recognize something. Error wouldn't notice someone watching him from the home as he continued to walk around the ruins taking photos of the once beautiful island town.

A tall woman with sleek and long white hair would glare at error from inside the stone home. Her skin tanned and covered in hundreds of scars. One of her eyes was milky white while the other was a dark brown almost black color. She wore some worn down overalls and a flannel under it that was covered in old stains from who knows how many years. She had lost her trust of men years ago.... She grabbed a shotgun from her room and silently went outside ready to shoot error. She didnt care if he wasn't violent; she wasn't willing to take the risk.

Error would turn his head towards the woman as he had heard the sound of a shotgun being loaded. He ... he knew this girl.... It was a girl he used to be friends with in his childhood town. Her name was geno... but she looked horrible compared to the beautiful girl she was before... he had known that she had been kidnapped as a young woman from the town by some very aggressive pirates who threatened to kill anybody who had tried to save her... maybe if he called out geno's name he could get her not to shoot- before error could say anything he felt a horrible stinging pain in his leg. It felt like a pinch that was leaving a burn in his leg. He silently looked down at his leg at the fresh bullet wound on his leg that was bleeding a crimson red onto the ground. Error groaned in pain as he collapsed slamming his legs onto the ground causing the sharp ruin stones to scratch the hell out of his legs. As Geno was about to shoot she would then notice... error... oh sweet Asgore she had just shot one of her old friends.... What the hell was he doing on moonscar?! She panics dropping her gun and running to error to help him. As Error saw Geno running to him he felt himself become queasy and dizzy from staring at his bullet wound. He collapses into the dirty dust and rock covered ground .

  Meanwhile at the makeshift campsite the crew were playing cards and smoking cigars knowing that dusk would be coming soon. Fish was being cooked on the fire by the cook of the crew. A tall menacing man with a permanently bloodshot eye and scars all over him. His dirty silver hair is all messy . where he wasn't covered in scars he had tattoos done by other crewmates during their free time. He was simply known as " Horror " due to how menacing he was to people who didn't know him. Nightmare had been talking to Ccino for most of the hours they had been on the island learning about the history of moonscar and such. The rest of the crew really had no interest in the topic mostly because they preferred to be naive and not believe that this island has any sort of "curse". As the food was cooking and nightmare was talking to Ccino the rest of the crew would notice more of the islanders. There was a tan skinned woman with ashy purple hair and a raccoon hanging out with her in a homemade chair talking to another woman. The other woman was a very dark skinned woman with long dreads that reached her but. The dreads were black but looked purplish blue in the sunset. She has pretty golden accents that cover her dreads. Two of the men in particular were interested in the beautiful lasses. Dust and a man with gray eyes and gray hair. He was clearly older than most of the younger men on nightmare's crew. The two would admire the ladies. Cross and reaper rolled their pupils. Reaper would playfully push dust away from the fire making dust yell "HEY YA DICKHEAD! THE ELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Reaper would snicker, smoking a bit of his cigar before saying " stop being a creep you two. You ain't gonna get any love from the two lasses if you look at them like that. At Least tell them hello and offer them a drink before ya check out their bodies." cross snickered at dust blushing slightly from reaper knowing exactly what he was doing. Dust huffs and nods " fine i'll go talk to the pretty lady but if i have to you do to killer! Stop staring at her ass!" killer quickly glared at dust but sighed nodding as the two walked over to the two ladies.

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