Chapter 6 - Blight not being a blight?

Start from the beginning

As we fight, once again I draw a huge combo with my walking pattern but this time it is not a trap for Amity, it is the protection combo, I hope that if I make it big enough it will hold her for some time so I can come up with a plan. Even though I did not finish exploring this combination it seems to work just fine. When I triggered the drawing a protective dome appeared over me. I have to use my time wisely as Amity is already going all in with some kind of explosive spell. I put a dozen plant glyphs on the ground and triggered them all at the same time. When the shield broke all the vines started to attack Amity.

I took the time she spent on defending the plants to reorganize my glyphs in the bag however, when I looked up Amity was almost ready to counterattack, she was fluently shielding herself with the goo from all angles and cutting the vines with ease. When she was done with my attack, she came closer and got herself two abomination gauntlets. I barely managed to save my staff by throwing it to the side and got myself an ice sword blocking the first strike. I barely dodged the second punch, knowing full well that I was starting to lose this duel. When she went for another blow instead of dodging or blocking I rolled forward and managed to get a clear kick on her ankles. She tripped and fell, I grabbed my staff and summoned a huge ice wall toward her.

She quickly got back on her feet and was visibly mad that I managed to hit her in any way.

"Do you think that's going to be enough human? Surrender now and it might spare you a few broken bones!" Well, we were definitely past the 'nice talk' phase now. I can't blame her though. She burned through the ice wall and proceeded to advance on me. I was quickly knocked back to barely defending her attacks, I think it's time for a glyph combo. I pull a huge light spell, triggering it. It temporarily blinds her as I get the combo out of my bag.

I summon a blizzard that from now on will follow Amity until she manages to deal with it, believe me, when I discovered this spell I had no fun trying to stop it. The young witch, still in a slight shock after the blinding light glyph, is trying to stop the snow formation from attacking her but to no avail. I use this opportunity to chip her with other smaller spells. She finally manages to create a big enough flame with a fire spell to rid herself of the snowflakes, however, I can see that it took a lot of energy for her to do that. I immediately get ready for her counterattack making myself an ice shield but instead, I'm faced with a magical blast from a different angle. Seems like our duel is interrupted, the question is by whom?

I look in the direction of where the blast came from and all I can see is this tiny, red gremlin in an emperor's coven uniform.

"Human, you are under arrest for collaborating with a criminal known as Eda the Owl Lady, do not even think about resisting arrest." She said looking at me. I stared at her with a confused face.

"And who might you be? A Christmas elf?" I think she didn't get the joke, I'm not sure if they even have Christmas on the Boiling Isles. Her hair rose revealing her second eye with inversed colors. She definitely got mad, but before she was able to do anything Amity interrupted her.

"I don't mean any disrespect Ms. Kikimora but as you can see, I already engaged the human in combat and I'm about to arrest her myself."

"Hush, child" She scolded the green-haired witch "Do you think I will allow Lilith to get the glory for capturing the human? Then you are terribly wrong." I was kinda amused by how they were fighting over who would get the privilege to arrest me even though at least for now I was far from being detained in any way. I broke their staring contest by asking Amity.

"Shall we suspend the duel for now?" I ask. Kiki-whatever looked at me, her eyes indicated that she was smiling but it was difficult to say for sure since the rest of her face was covered.

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