Life Goes On

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I take the boys suits off, Enid made them for the boys for the funeral. I am not alone in the house. I have mannies and security around me at all times. Kevin and Elliott are good babies and they have no idea they lost their mother yet. Christian told me to take all time I needed and I am. I still do the job, but at home in my office. I finally go through Kate's things and I see a letter from a publisher with a check inside it made out to me. I find Kate's password and look at the files. I see a file that says for Barney after my death.

Dearest Barney
My one true heart is you, we might have married because of my health issues, but you were my rock. You stood by me and my love grew for you and I know that our sons will get that same love from you. I begged the doctors not to tell you about how serious my condition really was. They knew that I was going to lose my life and possibly my boys lives to, but I was told that staying in the hospital would make it possible to save the boys lives. Please marry someone that will love you and our sons.

I loved you so very much and I never saw it coming. Thank you for marrying me.

I decide to read the book and see it is dedicated to me and our sons. The tears are running down my cheeks by the time I finished. I wondered what she kept typing. I put the check into a trust fund for our sons. The book became a best seller and so did the next four books in the series. Katherine Kavanagh Miller can't do book tours or signings. A movie is being made about her story. I am unsure about how it will be taken, but she signed the deals before I knew anything and had the checks and royalties left to me.

My little girl Asia Lynn Anderson was born a week after Kate's funeral. I keep in contact with the Kavanagh family and Barney as well. I am just wondering how they are doing. I get a package in the mail from a publishing company. It has four books in it all written by Kate. I had no idea she was writing books. I start reading and I can't put it down. I am crying when Brad arrives home. He sees the books and the authors name.

Little Theodore was born on the day Kate passed away. I just made it to the funeral and wore my maternity clothing to the funeral. Today I got a package of four books written by Katherine Kavanagh Miller. I decide to read the books and I am crying by the end of the first book. Christian walks in and sees the books and holds me in his arms.

I finally have a big boy we call Elliott jr and he looks exactly like Elliott and is a big baby. I am thinking about the books from the publisher and the writer as I pick up the first book to read it. I cry by the time I read the first book and then I see the advertisement for the movie come on the tv. Now I know why I never saw any articles in Kavanagh News by Kate.

I couldn't get anywhere near Barney and he is not taking my calls. I need to move on, he is very well protected by this time. The Grey family and the Kavanagh family are assuring that he has time to heal from his loss. There was no doubt Kate didn't love him at first but after reading the books she wrote she loved him more than life itself. She knew she had no time left and she wrote like a madwoman every time I was visiting. He was busy on his desk and computer creating something. But if she needed anything he was right there no matter what. He loved her and their boys that much. I want that kind of love.

Kate was telling all of us goodbye in her own way. I could see it in her eyes every time I saw her she would tell me to stop wasting time chasing after wealthy men and look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She found her pot of gold and that was Barney and her unborn children. She gave us four books to guide us to a true heart and to lasting love and happiness. She died happy knowing that she gave it her all to give birth to her two innocent twin boys and she did and Barney is great with them.

I am happy that I still have Anastasia and now Teddy. Barney is still running his department but is doing it from his home for now. He wants to be with his boys and grieve his loss. He came in to check out the childcare center and he did. He said he will come back in a month and we agreed that only when he is ready. Anastasia is working from home too. Most of her time is with Teddy for now though.

I have visited Barney and brought Asia with me. We sit and watch our babies sleep at this point. He is still grieving, but he has started donating Kate's things to charity. He told me he took what he wanted out of her things and then he asked the Kavanagh's to take the rest of the things away and they did. It was a good move. Photos are everywhere and he has started putting up some of him and his boys. A few with him, the boys and the Kavanagh family. Then him, the boys and all of us Grey family. It is a great photo. I remind him to call me when he wants to talk or have play dates.

I visit Barney and his boys and bring Elliott jr. I am not as skilled at changing diapers as Barney is so he helped me out. He told me to watch for getting peed in the face by my son. He showed me how to avoid it.

True Heart was released and it was a hit and they negotiated with Barney to make movies of the other three books. It took five years to make and release them.
Barney remarried and to a woman who lost her husband to a driver who ran a red light trying to get to the same hospital as her husband. Both were killed and both men's wives were having their babies on the same day. Carmine Davis became Carmine Miller and her boys added Miller to their last names. They met each other at the GEH childcare center. There boys were two months apart in ages. Jeffrey and Lawrence were identical twins like Kevin and Elliott and they hit it off. Six months later they married.

The End hope you liked it

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