Christmas Day

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Ray Jr. is being the center of attention at the Grey mansion. He has all the toys a four year old could ever want. My 18th birthday is finally coming up. A New Years Day baby, I definitely keep quiet about it. It is a sad day for me, my parents were killed on my birthday. My year started horribly. Ray Jr. will not know that kind of pain if I can help it. Brad has asked to talk to Carrick and Grace in private and asks Mia to join them. Oh he should have waited until they were more relaxed to have this chat. Christian comes over to watch the carnage about to occur, as he puts it. Some people think that Mia is older than I am, but they have no idea of my true birthday. I plan on keeping it that way.

I finally introduce myself to Grace and Carrick Grey and ask to talk to them in private and ask for Mia to be part of it. We are led to the office and ask to sit down and Mia sits beside me and Grace sits by Carrick. I finally start talking and asking her parents if I can start dating their daughter? I am asked my age and I tell them I am 22 going on 23 years old and they look at me and then ask Mia if we are dating already? She tells them that I haven't asked her out or held hands or kissed or anything at all. I explain that I wanted to make sure that I have their permission prior to dating her. I am asked if I plan on being a manny the rest of my life? I tell them that I am in college courses thanks to Miss Steele and plan to become an architect.

He barely has time to do much dating and neither do I. My culinary training and my creating recipes at Christian's and Anastasia's house in their kitchen. I tell my parents that I am working hard to get through high school and culinary school that is why I am home late and sometimes stay at Christian's penthouse. They tell us that as long as we follow through on our education we can go on dates. But it better no interfere in our goals. We smile and dad shakes Brads hand and tells him not to hurt me or things could go very badly for him. Brad is relieved and happy that we asked early. He helps me with the good and drinks along with the rest of the family. I see Anastasia and Christian and I nod at them and they smile. This is a good day.

I am sitting by my date for Christmas and I'm not sure if my parents like her at all. Carol is a salesperson and I met her during a trip to find rare tiles for a new home I am building for myself. They are for my bathroom and they can be put above a heated floor. I just hope they go in the way I want them to. My family are asking all kinds of questions and I know it's getting annoying. Brad is getting the same interrogation and I notice that he is holding Mia's hand. I squeeze Carol's hand and she smiles and pushes through her answers.

We finally get through the dinner and start passing out gifts. I got gifts for everyone who is attending today. Anastasia helped with Brad's gift and asked her employees for a wish list and of course she bought them two of their wishes on the list. She gave John and his team new cars or trucks. So Brad was thrilled with his gifts and so was Mia. Mom and dad handed her keys to her new catering vehicle. It is parked in two of my spots at Escala now. She has been working hard and she doesn't have long until she graduates high school. Anastasia is getting her college degree on the same day. She is having her degree mailed to her address. Ray Jr. Is her only blood relative and she would prefer not to attend the ceremony because it would hurt her to not see her parents in the audience. I am glad Anastasia has became a friend of Mia's,because she definitely is better than her other friends. Lily, Gia and Kate are still calling her, but Mia has a full schedule and is starting a career that will hopefully be her dream come true. Elliott and Carol are getting antsy. I watch as Elliott gets on one knee and produces an engagement ring to Anastasia at first and then they laugh and he turns and asks Carol to marry him.

Carol Spicer
Elliott told me he was going to ask Anastasia to marry him and then ask me prior to our arrival at the house. Anastasia laughed, but Christian was not happy about it until he realized it was a joke. I think he has a thing for Anastasia. I tell Elliott yes and he puts the ring on my finger. I loved the ring when I saw it and I made sure to let Elliott Know. We haven't been dating long but he wants children and a wife. Ray Jr. was the catalyst to help him with his decision to ask me to marry him. The boy is annoying, but Elliott loves him and wants his own little boy. Anastasia is another thorn in my side, and the more  try to find out about her the more she avoids me. I tried to get in on the cooking and tried to get Mia to invite me, but she told me that Anastasia and Christian were being nice just allowing her to use their kitchens to cook and experiment. She tried to get me to help cook the meal at my future in laws. I told her that my schedule was too full. I don't like the idea that I can't get invited to Escala and to see Anastasia and Christian's apartments.

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