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I have spoken to Brad about his infatuation with Mia and tell him to tone it down until she turns 18 and I know that she has a thing for him, but he is playing with fire at this point. Plus she needs to get her dreams of being a chef completed. He agrees with me and wants to do the right thing. Christian and I both could destroy his career, but he really just can't find a job in his field right now. The real Elsie was hired as a nanny for a family who moved to Europe and she went with them. We were relieved that she hadn't been hurt by Belinda Lincoln.

We are finally getting through the muck of it all and the present staff are definitely who they say they are. Brad has been talked to about Anastasia's concern about his infatuation with Mia Grey and has told him to put their feelings on hold until she gets her dream of becoming a chef completed. Mia definitely has been visiting a lot and Anastasia is trying to keep her busy learning her skills as a chef. They test recipes out on us. The good, the bad and the ugly f it all. Then we get the excellent. Ray Jr. Had his third birthday party and it was a very quiet one. Everyone thought Brad was the problem, but it isn't usually the one that causes problems that are the guilty party. Evil lies in wait until all is in place for the final victory. We were busy trying to find out who it truly was, then we checked Elena's records including medical records and finally found hidden in her records a baby girl's birth. Once we knew that we knew we were looking for a female and we started checking employee information and we started with those who were in charge of Ray Jr., Julie then Elsie. We called the couple in Europe and they told us that whoever it is we have working as a nanny for us is not Elsie becAuse she is standing in front of them as we were speaking. They sent photos of the real Elsie and everything matched up with her school records and yearbook photos. So Elsie or Belinda was taken out of the apartment while Ray Jr. was distracted.

I am watching my p's and q's after being talked to by Miss Steele and mr Smith. Mia is flirting and I am polite, but I am trying hard to keep it platonic and so far it is working. Miss Steele is keeping her busy when she is here, or she takes her to the penthouse. Gail likes cooking with them and they are having fun. Ray Jr. is needing some other children to play with so he can socialize better once he starts school. Anastasia has taken my recommendation and she has checked out the nicer preschools and their security protocols and she has chosen one of the better ones. We have taken him to see it and it loves it. He was allowed to start that day. I and Julie are both introduced to the facility so we can be there for Ray Jr. along with picking him up. Colin, Julie and I are now living in the staff quarters and we are encouraged to take college courses during our off times and Miss Steele is paying for them.

I decide to take Miss Steele up on the college courses and she pays for everything. My parents are thrilled that I am getting my degree. My younger sister applied for Elsie's spot and got the job. She is attending college on her off hours as well. Julie and Brad are taking courses as well. Gail told us Miss Steele was generous to her loyal employees and she was right. Miss Steele turned 17 years old and never told anyone. Ray Jr. Mia Grey invited us to Christmas dinner with her family and Brad was the only one who accepted the invitation. He has no family we do.

I jump at the chance to go to the Christmas dinner at the Grey estate. At this point Mia and I are texting and talking on the phone. Christian knows because Mia told him. Miss Steele told him that she keeps her eyes on both of us and I know that she isn't 18 years old. Crisis adverted for now. It is meeting her parents that will be an issue. I am five years older than her right now and once she is 18 we will start dating. With me assuring Miss Steele that Mia will attend culinary school. She has already picked out the school and is attending it after school. All her friends are upset that she has chosen this path and she is not hanging out with them. She has even asked her parents about a van that she can use to start a catering business after high school. My classes keep us apart and so does hers. But we get time together with her cooking with Gail and Miss Steele, I am one of their many Guinea pigs. Mr Grey has caught on to our attraction to each other and we have chatted in his penthouse office. To say Christian is overprotective is mild. We agreed that I am going to finish my schooling and so is Mia.

I feel bad about this and I know that I am being a hypocrite because I am attracted to Anastasia and I know that she is six years younger than me, but so much more mature than girls her age. I have caught her checking me out when she thought I wasn't looking at her. Christmas is going to be something else we have a lot of people coming over for dinner. Mia is cooking everything herself. I have tasted her creations and they are amazing. He training is going well and dad and mom are buying her the van she asked for. I got a list of things from Anastasia of what Mia needs to start her catering business.

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