A Job For Mia

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Who would have thought that my first catering job would be the wedding of my brothers. My friends were pretty mad that they weren't invited to the weddings. I was shocked to discover that Elliott was dating Andrea for nearly a year before he popped the question. Christian and Anastasia weren't dating per se but they were married and mom and dad asked that they have a vow renewal and they did just that right before the main event for Elliott and Andrea. Christian told Andrea to get two highly qualified assistants to help her in the office now that she is mrs Grey. Anastasia definitely kept things under wraps until Ray Jr. called Christian daddy. Brad hadn't even heard him call Christian that until it all came out at mom and dads house. Anastasia finally got her degree in computer sciences. I really didn't ask when they got married. John and Jason were both in on getting the marriage performed. Apparently Christian had fallen in love with her and they married New Year's Day that evening in Vegas very quietly and quickly. The adoption was done by his legal team plus Anastasia quietly changed all her names on everything under the radar. Elliott's engagement and wedding made all the papers.

New Years Day Past Tense
I wake Anastasia up and we shower and get dressed and leave for Escala. I convince her to elope to Vegas for a very quiet wedding. She finally agrees and we soon fly to Vegas and the wedding ceremony happens in a private suite and the witnesses are our security staff. Everyone signed NDA's and it was perfect and photos were taken and her wedding dress was very beautiful and simple like a LBD but a LWD with beautiful embellished sewn in flowers on the bodice, hem and neckline. My tux didn't stay on long after we had wedding cake and sparkling cider. After having sex with her I had to marry her. I bought a heart shaped pink diamond ring for her and gave it to her on our one month anniversary. Our platinum wedding bands were engraved and they did a wonderful job. The jeweler was sad that he couldn't tell anyone about selling us his latest design.

I couldn't believe I heard Christian correctly, but I did and we flew to Vegas to get married and not one news article was released. Our wedding night was spent in a suite in Vegas and we left very early the next day. No one even knew we had left Seattle. Usually press are all over Christian, but I guess they were hungover from New Years Eve and Day. Security and the pilots along with limited hotel staff knew what was going on. The bridal shops and jewelers were brought up to the suite and only knew they were going to make a big sale. The hotel chef created the wedding cake for us. We froze the top tier when we got back. Christian had clothing brought in for me to have at his apartment and in his room. We started looking for a home on the sound and found the perfect one. Julie gave her notice and she was gone a month later. She got her degree thanks to me. Brad has told me that he knows a few great people who can pass through all the background checks and Gail knows them as well.

Present tense
I can't believe that Christian married Anastasia the day she turned 18. But I know they spent a lot of time together helping Mia get her cooking skills up to what they are today and they are fantastic. They used both Anastasia and Christian's place to cook and fed a lot of their staff. Apparently she even bought a second apartment so Mia could cook when she felt inspired. Of course staff stayed there as well. Both my boys married and on New Years Day, just a year apart. If Mia's friends had known they would have caused trouble. Mia still has them as friends but only gets together once in a while. She has been working on her career goals. Carrick says that Mia was encouraged to follow her heart after meeting Anastasia. The chefs knives were a start and we followed suit and found out what she needed and we started buying her supplies so her dream can come true. Anastasia has a building from the Lincoln's that she donated to Mia's catering business. Elliott is doing the remodel and upgrades. Mia has been very busy and she is completing her culinary degree in the summer.

I checked over the paperwork for Mia for the building and it was definitely a gift for Mia. The taxes were paid up and Anastasia paid all the transfer costs. So she now has to figure out a name for her business. I suggested Grey Catering and restaurant, the building is not small at all. She also has plans for the rest of the building. Apartments and culinary schools along with wedding planners and wedding dresses and wedding cakes. She hasn't quite decided on how the place will be set up yet. But she is making use of all twenty floors of the building. I guess there are people on a waiting list for the apartments and the shops and they have to pass major background checks. She will open it up for businesses to send their proposals and she will decide on what she wanted. Her thoughts on this matter are just a hard draft for now. Elliott is telling her what she can and can't get done until he gets the permits and licenses.

I was stunned when Anastasia told me that she had three buildings all twenty story building that I could have to use to set my business up with. At first I thought that it was too much, but Elliott and Christian said to create apartments on the top ten floors and shopping in the bottom floors along with my catering and restaurant and other food shops and maybe a culinary school. I am getting bids on the floors after Elliott put up the construction barriers around 5he building to start on the work. I am checking the proposals and some are outlandish but others not so much. Brad thinks that I have a long time before I need definitive answers to these people. Christian told me not to sign anything until an attorney reads anything over.

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