The Great Inquisition

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Kate Kavanagh of the Kavanagh family who own Kavanagh Media Group and has several newspapers and outlets. She apparently did her homework on me and was asking questions left and right. I told her in no uncertain terms that I was not answering her questions. She definitely will make a great investigative reporter. She knew the right questions to ask, she just asked the wrong person and she will never get the answers if I know the sources she might try to get them from and I do. Something's need to stay private. My parents deaths are something that even though we got a nice settlement we also didn't agree to stop investigating what really happened that day. She definitely won't be getting inside my apartment any time soon.

I watch and listen to how Anastasia handled Kate Kavanagh in her investigative reporter mode and I am very impressed. She didn't give an inch and didn't flinch at anything that definitely would have made others break down and yet she didn't. Jason told me that she was definitely trained in her responses or lack thereof and it all fits with what he suspects. She knew what Mia would absolutely love in a gift Mia took her chefs knives to her bedroom and put them in her hope chest. That's one hope I will find a way to make a reality if she wishes it. I have eaten her meals and she can cook very well. She definitely could make a career out of being chef. I know how Mia met Anastasia and that she spent a lot of time at Anastasia's apartment. I see Anastasia as a good role model and she tells her things she doesn't really tell us, her family. Most see a 16 year old with a two year old and think she gave birth to him, when in fact it is her brother and she adopted him. My background checks revealed that and her emancipation. Plus she uncovered a thieving attorney before he could steal from her. She discovered, by having ran into several very angry clients that he was stealing from his younger clients in hopes they couldn't or wouldn't be able to go to the authorities about it. He is behind bars now and all his assets are frozen, including his off shores accounts. He was disbarred thanks to some very disturbing revelations about his dealings.

Christian caught me placing my chefs knives in my hope chest in my room. I smile at him and he smiles back and we go back to my party. Anastasia not only listened to me that day we met, but she remembered that I wanted these particular chefs knives and bought them for me. It was a very generous gift along with one that I have wanted and I just didn't want to buy them myself. I was hoping that my family heard me and would finally buy them for me as a gift. I am not sure that they are listening to me sometimes. I definitely love the car that Elliott and Christian bought me, my parents not so much. They think it is too much and it is, but I am their only daughter and my brothers only baby sister. My friends try to get me to use my credit cards for buying them things, but I refuse to from the beginning. True friends don't do that. If they don't have money to buy things it is not getting bought by my family. I know they had hopes that I would be generous, and I am generous with my time and friendship, but not with my family's money. My friends know this by now and they no longer try to use me, but they definitely tried to get an invitation to Anastasia's apartment and again asked her behind my back today. I told her it wasn't my idea and that each of them had their own agenda. I think she already figured that out.

I watched as each of Mia's friends really tried to get an invitation to Anastasia's apartment and each of them got shot down. Her explanation of why made very good sense to me, but each tried to intimidate her into allowing them entry. It failed to work and she just told them that no invitation would ever be extended to them because they are minors and she thought they were just a bit too desperate for an invitation for them to be allowed entry into her security filled apartment. I especially liked what she told Leila about not trusting her because she was way too obsessed with the buildings designs and certain exits that might allow her access to other apartments including the penthouse where Christian lives. Christian has been making calls regarding this issue after hearing Anastasia discuss it with Leila at length and told Leila that if she showed up at Escala she will not be allowed entry. Leila stopped talking to Anastasia after that. Apparently Anastasia had heard Leila talking about how she could gain access to the penthouse if she could just get into someone's apartment.

Grace told me about the conversation she overheard between Leila and Anastasia and it was scary enough for us to possibly get involved and place a restraining order on Leila and have a chat with Mia about her friend. I have Christian join us in my office and he listens and he makes another call and tells his staff to block all access to any of his buildings and his homes from now on to Leila Williams and he tells them 5hey have her file and photos of her stalking him already. I look at him and he explains that she has been stalking him for a long time, he just couldn't get charges pressed until now. He had the conversations recorded both video and audio. Anastasia agreed to do it for him. She had seen Leila way too often around the building and tried to strike up a conversation with her, but Anastasia didn't take the bait.

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