Things Needed Done

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I finally talk Kate into marrying me after the biopsy came back with cancer cells. Right now the mass is small, but we have to have a check every two weeks. They are watching her closely. We marry at the court house and wills are drawn up. She is added to my life insurance and health insurance as well. She is keeping her last name Kavanagh and I have told her to go home shopping and she already knows the home she wants. She has no idea what it costs but I do. I buy it and and present it to her on our wedding day. Enid, Eamon and Ethan have joined us along with Christian and Anastasia and a few others from work. Kate wore a dress that her mother designed for her and I wore a basic suit and tie. We made sure all documents were signed and we have hired someone to take care of Kate while I am at work. She has been told that she needs to take it easy and she sees the specialist every two weeks unless something changes. So far the cancer is not growing. They are wanting to do a scan of her whole body, but she is afraid of losing the boys. She has never wanted to abort the boys even though her life is at risk.

It is hard to see my daughter carrying twins and having cancer, I tried to talk to her but she wants these babies. Barney had the doctor talk to me about the odds and that I should try to support my daughter and her now husband. I had no idea that the man is a genius and is wealthy from all the patents and software that he has and he has his own computer company as well,

I told Enid that we can't cause Kate undue stress or she could lose the boys and die as well. Right now they are concerned about both. Two months from now she will be in the hospital for the last month of her pregnancy. Barney was given time off and he still works while Kate writes her articles and both are just sitting and waiting for her to give birth. Mia, Lily, Anastasia, Gia and Andrea have came by. Mia Andrea and Anastasia are all due about the same time just weeks apart in dates. They bring food and office supplies along with a few other things. Barney has a mini office in the suite that Christian set up for him. I know that Barney is on paid leave, but he is loyal. I know that Kate really didn't want to marry him, but he is here with her and has only left to shower and change clothing. His friends and boss have stopped by to make they have everything they need. I watch as he tinkers with a few things on his desk and he shows it to Kate. He made the boys and couple of robots for when they are old enough to play with them. They are very cute.

I am busy with my new business and I stop by early mornings and late nights. Soon I can be here longer. I bought a couple of outfits for our grandsons. I have heard the prognosis on Kates surviving the cancer. As long as the mass isn't getting bigger and doesn't impede the boys growth it is good. They will wait a week to go in and remove the mass after the birth. Ethan has been here and he comes a couple days a week.

I stop and see Kate when I am working at the hospital. She tries to get me to sign her out, but knows I won't do that. She has two weeks to go now and is grumpy and uncomfortable. Andrea, Mia and Anastasia are all grumpy as well. I decided to check Kate out and find her unconscious and Barney trying to wake her up. I push the call button and staff comes running into the room. It is time to get these babies out.

Dr Greene
I have Kate taken to the operating room immediately after seeing her unconscious. I checked her and her water broke, but it has mostly blood and I see she isn't dilated. We rush her into surgery and an hour later her boys are born. We removed the mass, but when we do, she started bleeding uncontrollably. We tried everything, but she didn't make it. The mass had grown around a major artery and we didn't see it until the blood started flowing out. This is the part of my job where I have to tell the husband and her parents about her dying. I find the anxious family and tell them the boys are very healthy ten days early, but they are good and healthy. I then tell them that Kate died on the operating table.

I ask where our boys are and the doctor leads me to the nursery. Grace is looking at them and she congratulates me and tells me to go hold my sons. I look at her and I know she knows Kate didn't make it. She hugs me and tells me I am not alone, everyone that loves me will be here for me. The house is ready thanks to Kate and her ability to shop and write at the same time, plus she scared a few into doing her bidding. I now have to name the boys because we never made up our minds about what to name them. Kevin Ethan Kavanagh Miller and Elliott Christian Kavanagh Miller are the names I came up with. I need to make funeral arrangements for her. Her favorite flowers were African violets and I want her to have those on her casket. I call and see if I can have a casket painted with them on it. She deserved better than a regular casket.

The funeral was very solemn, but the casket was unique and it made Kate look even more beautiful than she was. Barney was staying strong and taking care of his boys as he is greeting everyone. He was an excellent husband to Kate. Gia is trying to get close to him, but he is surrounded by the Grey family and Enid is leading Gia away from him. Mia, Anastasia and Andrea are due any moment now. I finally break down in tears. Enid follows suit while standing by me.

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