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I am holding my baby brother as I watch my parents bodies be buried after they were killed by a semi truck. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and they settled with us for five million dollars each. I am keeping it together for Ray Jr. I have went to court to get emancipated and to adopt my baby brother who is two years old. I accelerated my courses and tested out of most of them so I could start college early. So I am already in college at 16 years old. I passed my drivers test so I am driving my parents pickup truck and I had to sell their home in Montesano. We are living off the money we won 8n the law suit and life insurance. We get dads military retirement funds until Ray Jr turns 21 or graduates from college. Their was several life insurance policies and checking accounts. There were stocks and bonds and jewelry, the guns were collectibles so I decided to transfer them into my name and I had my own gun. I have a carry conceal license for it. I locked all of them up in the moving van I have and we head to the new apartment I bought with the money we have now a building with security. It was the first floor and had no takers so I did some very creative negotiating with the owners and they just gave in and sold it to me at half it's value. Two orphans needing a home works sometimes, but I only use it when absolutely necessary. We finally get everything moved in with help from several of my parents friends.

I can't believe I sold that apartment for half it's market value, but I couldn't help myself when the girl said she was an orphan who lost both her parents and told me how, I recall reading about that wreck it was horrible. So I looked it up and saw that the couple left two children. I had no idea they were orphaned, but I do now. So I send them a welcome to the building gift for both the girl and her two year old brother. Jason did a background check on them and they definitely have had a rough time recently. She is attending college while raising her two year old brother, she transferred her college credits to her new college in Seattle. She is emancipated after her previous attorney tried to steal her inheritance from her, he is facing prison time and disbarment. She wasn't his first victim, but she was the one who caught him and they started digging deeper. She is Mia's age and has just released a children's book.

I saw the young lady moving in and she is quite tiny. I also saw the gun she had holstered and the gun safes that were moved in to her apartment. They were moved in first. She watched the moving men like a hawk as they moved everything inside her apartment. I think one guy was a friend of her father so he made sure the guys stayed in line when they were around them. I go introduce myself and he and I chat for a few moments and he and the moving guys all knew miss Steele's parents. I tell him I work as head of security for GEH and he asks me if the building is as safe as it is portrayed to be? His concern is for the girls safety and I don't blame him. He let's me know she knows how to us that firearm she has on. I am very glad she knows how to use it. But what he tells me next is what shocks me. She is a highly accurate sniper level shot and has several guns locked in her apartment. He tells me if we ever needed backup in a gunfight she would be the one to call. I was dumbfounded by that and what he says next. She is trained in all forms of self defense by her parents and him and the guys moving them into her apartment. He hands me his number and I give him mine just in case. John Smith is really his name and he said his parents named him after his grandfather.

John Smith
I knew I was going to be approached by security of some type and I was. So we got to talking and I let him know that Anastasia was very capable f handling herself if it came down to it. He was definitely ex black ops and I do believe he will make sure that Anastasia and Ray jr is safe. We end up giving each other our private numbers just in case. Finally Anastasia is safe and sound in her apartment and Ray Jr is playing quietly in his room. I show her the security room and all the updates I had installed to prevent anyone from getting into her apartment. She locks her gun in the safe built into her headboard. Something Ray built to assure she had access to it easily. I will miss her father and mother a lot. I tell her goodbye after the guys give her hugs and kisses goodbye and reminds her about going shooting soon. I can see bot Carla and Ray in her as she laughs and her bright blue eyes light up. She has her dads bright blue eyes and everything else is Carla including the 5' height. Ray jr is got his fathers height so far. At two he is nearly four feet tall. Ray was 6'4" all muscle at 185 pounds. It was something to watch how his tiny wife would give him a look and he would be mush in her hands. It was definitely true love and both met on assignment. They were goners at first sight. The company had to reassign them, but that didn't stop them from getting married and having two children. The semi truck driver was sent on a kamikaze assignment to take out Ray and Carla. The whole story was made up to cover up what had really happened.

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