Volume 2 Chapter 1: Stubborn Headed?

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Previously: But her grip wouldn't budge an inch. "Don't worry I'll be sure to hold back." She head-butted him mercilessly. His body hit the ground like a rock. Her bone tail wrapped around his torso and neck. She pulled out her phone and dialed a certain someone. "Hey, Zawa! I have a problem and I need your assistance with something. But just in case you get angry, I have a peace offering."

Aizawa stood there in silence with his arms crossed and a serious expression across his human face. They were in an abandoned warehouse. It was like he was a stern dad trying to assess if he should punish or praise her. She explained herself but it definitely brought trouble their way. He didn't heal her wounds just yet but her evil cycle was slowly fading.

Bakugo began to wake up, he struggled against her bone tail and hurled a bombardment of insults towards them both. She increased the grip on his body. He was only able to breathe and no longer speak. Aizawa used his eraser magic. "He's noisy and bratty. I don't see any merit to siring him." Her body began to shake violently as the pain slowly returned. "He did this to my body. Imagine if he was under your control and was no longer Human. You are a master of manipulation and taming difficult demons. I truly believe that he would make the perfect security demon for me. Kalvaxus would be great for outside school but he won't be able to follow me everywhere. I need a security guard that's around my age." She was fighting against herself as her exposed bones shuddered in anguish. The sight of her hurt body and the desperation in her voice made him salivate excessively. He wanted to taste her desperation but can't blow his load just yet. He lowered his arms and walked towards his heir. He leaned in close and lifted her head with his sharp nails. "Awww are you in pain? Do you want me to heal you? Is that why you are trying so hard to win me over? Hmmm?" She whimpered softly as her body was being consumed by dread and despair. The pain was unbearable. She couldn't breathe in and out without feeling like it could be her last. The feeling of the brisk breeze hitting her exposed bones made her shudder. She went to nod her head but he growled deeply. "Respond with your words." "Yes." "Yes, what?" "Huh?" "Who owns you?" Her eyes widened as his eyes switched to demon mode. "You. You do Master." He grinned slightly in satisfaction. "Good girl. Now if you want me to heal you. Get on your knees and beg me." She got down on one knee but he snarled deeply. She flinched slightly in fear. She bowed her head as low as she could get on her knees. "Please help heal me, master. I can't handle it anymore. Please. PLEASE! I'm begging you!" He crouched down and muttered under his breath. "Cry for me my lovely pet." She shook violently as the remaining pain that was being held back. It hit her all at once. She sobbed and begged for his mercy until her head felt dizzy. She felt the sharp edge of his scythe lift her head to his eye level. His long devil tongue cleaned her face of her salty tears. Her wounds and pain disappeared within an instant. "Good girl. You are such a good pet." The feeling of him kissing her forehead caused her to lose consciousness. Her bone tail release Bakugou but before he could escape. Aizawa's dark aura restricted his movements with void brambles. The thorns dug deep into his weak flesh. She was sleeping soundly slightly curled up.

Bakugo used his quirk aimed at Aizawa but nothing happened. As the dust settled Bakugo's eyes landed on a no longer human man. His eyes asked if he was, it looked like he read his mind. "I'm your worst nightmare, kid. Especially when you hurt my precious little pet without my permission. Not like you would ever get my permission to do so." He grabbed Bakugo's left wrist and stared directly into his scarlet red eyes. "You are lucky she wants you to be her bodyguard. Or I would have already snapped your neck by now." Bakugou spit in his face but soon regretted his actions. Aizawa growled deeply in disgust as his aura wiped his face. He grabbed one of the kid's fingers and began to bend it backwards. Until the point where they both could hear a snapping sound. "One down, nine to go." Katsuki opened his mouth to insult him but his vocal cords wouldn't make a sound. 

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