Volume 1 Chapter 5: Bottomless Hunger?

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Previously: Was I sent to hell? Why am being tortured like this? I can't escape his grasp. I'm stuck in this cycle of torment. I wish I never met him. I wish I never knew his secret. I wish I never got reborn...

Eraserhead stepped up on the ledge and overlooked the vast city of Hosu. "My style of fighting is martial arts. But it's not for everyone. So we are going to go search for a certain hero killer. He knows all about swordplay." He glanced over at his toy only to see her eyes were filled with excitement alongside her feeling of fear. "What's up with that look on your face?" She averted her eyes. "It's nothing…" He grabbed her jaw and stared into her eyes practically inches away. "I asked you a question." She gulped hesitantly as she felt his hot breath against her skin. His low growl voice acted like pins and needles against her skin. "Don't get too comfortable, little one. I'm your personal Grim Reaper. I can change my mind about letting you live anytime." Her body trembled at just him touching her skin. He was cold and merciless. He was and is a demon that returned to origin. "I know things about this world. That includes main characters like yourself, Mr. Aizawa." "Main character? Are you trying to flatter me? Or something else?" She felt his sharp nails grow and dig into her delicate flesh. "I'm more useful than you think." "Well go on and tell me just how useful you are, little one?" "I can appraise people and items. Which means that I can see the information on them. My ability allows me to see people's powers, race, age, and other things like background info." His grip loosened as he chuckled deeply. "So that's how you knew my secret? Well I'll admit that's is indeed important. You should have told me sooner, I might've been more gentle." She looked at him surprised. "If I knew you weren't just a tasty snack. I would have at least been less brutal. That ability has endless potential. And I'm one that goes by logic, practicality and efficiency above all else." He lightly touched her hurt face and used his dark aura to heal her injuries. "Your negative emotions are so delicious. To think a human can be so depressed but still trying to survive? It's unbelievable!" He laughed at her despair. "It seems like you aren't one I can just throw away. Good to know. Now you aren't allowed to leave my side, not even for a second. Little puppy." He leaned in close and licked the side of her face. She cringed with disgust. "You are all mine to use. Now we should get going before it gets too late." She opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. "Do you have something to say?" She nodded her head. "Then speak. I give you permission to speak your mind. If you have something important to say to me then just call me by Aizawa. Otherwise call me by Eraser in front of strangers." He sat down with one of his knees up and the other in a criss cross position. She sat back and exhaled a cloud of hot air. "Stain won't come out until night time. That's when he kills heroes the most. Whenever they are on patrol. I haven't seen him in this world but I in my other life. That's how he acted. I don't know if he's different like you are. But that's my two cents. Oh and I don't know if this is asking too much but…" She grabbed her stomach. "I'm really hungry. Am I allowed to eat?" His body got chills as his eyes sparkled. "Awww, how cute. My pet is scared to ask for food. Of course you are allowed to eat. Humans need to eat to survive. And your ability is my new tool. I need to take care of you for it to work efficiently. We can definitely go get a well balanced meal for you little one." He glanced over at the City and scoffed disgustedly. "But not here on earth. The food here isn't as healthy as it seems. But first before we go to the demon world. You need to know a few things first." She held up her hand. His head tilted to the side. "Yes? What is it?" "I already know the rules of the netherworld. You go by efficiency. And I wouldn't want you to waste your time on something I already know." He reached up and scratched his stubble. "Then how about you tell me what you know about the Netherworld." She nodded her head. "Ranks and magical power is everything to demons. There are 10 ranks total. The top rank is Yud. It's the fitting rank for the demon king. If you are a low rank or don't have high magical power. You are seen as weak and useless. Just like quirkless people in this world." He nodded his head in silence. "That's all correct. How come you know about that domain too?" "I won't try to lie. It'll only hurt me more. In my previous life this world and the Netherworld were just stories told in my world." "Stories?" "Yes." "Hmm, you aren't lying. How strange. To think I was just a character in a story. But I guess the alternative dimension theory was correct. Anything you can think of is real somewhere in another dimension or reality." He yawned softly. "How does your main quirk work? Oh you didn't think I figured you out? That appraisal thing you said was an ability not your quirk. Silly kitty, I'm not stupid." She dug her fingers into the gravel on the rooftop. "I can do more than I did. It's called RPG. I can distribute points I earn it from fighting or doing things that give me experience." "You have a video game quirk?" "Yeah, I can unlock new abilities and skills with the random generated points. Over the years I unlocked a bunch of helpful passive and destructive skills. But I didn't think that I would have to tell someone in order to be allowed to live." He was on the cusp of having an orgasm. This was music to his ears. "What else can you do? Besides create electricity?" She tensed up and curled up into a ball. She held out her right hand. Her electricity shifted in appearance to azure blue flames, pink ice, metallic whips from her fingertips, bubbles of blue water, spiraling wind, it turned into a tornado of sand. She closed her hand and bramble vines sprouted from her closed hand and wrapped around her fingers. "That's not all I can do if that's what you are thinking. My options are endless. My potential is bottomless. But I hate the idea of conflict. So I wasn't planning on using any of this skills." He couldn't contain his excitement anymore. His wings sprouted from his back. They grew in size and length reaching out towards her position. "Excellent! Fantastic! Wonderful! From this point on you will be my heir to the throne!" "I'm sorry what?" He grabbed her shoulders and his claws dug into her flesh but didn't draw blood this time. "Heh, you are going to be the next heiress to the throne of the netherworld. I'll make sure of it. But I can't possibly thrust you suddenly into another world without preparation. So I'll allow you to have at least one year at the school of your dreams. And then I'll steal you away." She was caged off by his black feathered wings. "You can't do this…" "Are you sure about that little one?" "I meant. I'll only do this if you grant me a few wishes." "Wishes?" "I want to learn how to defend myself, go to U.A highschool for one year, you will spare my father's life, and if you are going to take me to the netherworld. Then you will have to hire a real security demon for me that's not you. I want to go to Bablys. And I want to be adopted by a demon. Having the last name of Jericho is going to be problematic if some of the demons in the netherworld go to earth." His hands wandered up to her neck. They stopped on either side of her face. "How demanding of my little pet. But I did say you should be more lively. And there's no need to hurt such a beautiful play thing, at least not right now." His wings blocked out of the sun. "If you were to become the new demon king. You'll need to have confidence in your abilities and skills. All while still knowing your place around me. But it seems like you are doing good to behave. So I'll accept your wishes. But I can't possibly adopt you so we'll have to get my friend to agree to my little plan." "Hizashi Yamada?" "Another other dimension information you are privy to huh?" He heard her stomach growling. "We've taken up too much time talking. But it was a fruitful conversation. I learned a lot about my little kitty. Let's go meet up with my friend Zashi." She stared at him feeling out of sorts. "Are you really that starving? Tch, humans are strange." He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a little princess.

I feel like a truck hit me mentally. My body feels heavy. I'm so tired. But my stomach won't stop hurting. The conversation was never ending. I couldn't escape his intense gaze. He's so handsome but if I bet lost in his eyes he'll eat me alive. He knows my secrets and is going to use me as a mere tool or toy. I guess if I want to live so badly, I have no other choice but to comply. I really hate everything in this new life. I don't know if I rather be in limbo than be stuck in this hell. I smell something delicious? I'm so hungry, could I eat anything?

She opened her eyes only to shriek in terror over the sight of half alive food staring back at her. "It seems like you are finally awake, little imp?" Eraserhead was no longer Human looking and was in his full demon form.

Demon Appearance: Light indigo purple skin with black veins. Black fur goat torso and legs with gold highlights and red-violet crystalized hooves. Golden shark teeth with vampire fangs that grow wherever he's angry, hungry, or excited. Long vampire ears. Black goat ears and a small tail with gold highlights. Long wavy black hair and glowing red-violet irises with black sclera and gold devil shaped pupils. Black roots down his spine. Black feathered wings come out. He has spiraling ram horns pointing backwards. And he has a black bramble vine devil tail with a red-violet crystalized end shaped like a scythe.

He was wearing an unbuttoned red-violet dress shirt with gold buttons and high pointy collar. Has gold bramble cufflinks. His three piece suit has a black vest with red bramble design and no tie. Long black tailcoat with a red inside with gold highlights. No pants or shoes due to his goat body. An broad assortment of bands, rings, and piercings decorating his body with floral designs.

His tail was freely swaying behind him as he sat there next to her in the booth. She was in-between the wall and him. And there was a mysterious figure sitting across them. Her eyes glanced over the huge pile of strange food and tried to focus on the stranger's silhouette.

His eyes are so memorizing. His presence is so bright like the sun in the sky. He has feathers on his beautiful face. His scent smells like fresh flowers. I can't help but want to do anything for him.

Olivia reached out in a daze as she was under some kind of spell. Her wrist was stopped by thorny brambles. "Percy, will you please refrain from trying to charm my pet?" "Heh, sorry about that Zan. I can't help it. She just looks so cute and innocent. I want to defile her with my hands." He grinned widely as his deep red eyes with black rings and black shaped hawk pupils narrowed with pleasure. "Unfortunately she's already been ruined by someone else." "Awww, did they steal your moment from you?" She rubbed her wrist as she stared at the food in front of her. "It would seem so, someone broke her already. But we are working on fixing her sour attitude. Isn't that right, puppy?" He rested his hand on her head and glanced over to see was drooling slightly. "Ah that's right." He reached out and grabbed a utensil. He scooped up some grub and forced it into her mouth. She struggled against his grip as she was fully against it. But as soon as it entered her mouth it melted. Her body fully relaxed as she swallowed it happily. His eyes widened at her eyes sparking with an overwhelmingly bright smile. He retracted his hands as she shoveled the plates of food down her gullet. It was an impressive sight. She kept eating and eating. Her body felt lightweight in this world and the food made her soul feel full.

I feel like I can do anything. What's this strange feeling? I want to fight? My chest is warm and my soul is vibrating with excitement. Imagine what could happen to the underworld if a business woman ruled from the top? I want to feel powerful and have fun again! My old life was filled with so much work and grind. I worked until I passed out. The games I created were no longer filling my soul with satisfaction. The grind took over my life. I had no friends. No free time. Not even time to say goodbye to my mother. I was a slave to the grind. I don't want to be at the bottom anymore!

To be continued…

(Discontinued For Now) Shocking Rebirth V2 (MHA X WTDSIK X Blue Lock)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora