Volume 1 Chapter 4: Mistakes Were Made!

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Previously: Eraserhead relaxed and leaned forward only to say in a sickening tone of voice. "Only one, huh? How about two?" I gulped hesitantly as I nodded my head. His mouth was horrifying to look at up close. His wicked grin was not natural. I got chills throughout my entire body.

Eraserhead cracked his back, neck, and knuckles as he held out his hands. "Do you want me to kill him? Or just knock him out?" His words sent chills down her spine. "You aren't going to defeat me this time, damn nobody!" He threw a flaming punch. "Mercy." His ears twitched at the sound of her scared and shaky voice. He couldn't help but chuckle. He took a quick step out of the way and glanced over at his new obsession. She was looking his way trembling in terror. He licked his lips,"I bet her blood tastes sweet. Unlike these bitter coffee tasting people. Heh, how lovely. She's shaken by my demon side leaking from my disguise magic. It seems like she can even see through my glamor magic." 

I'm scared. He's not like the Aizawa I grew to care about. His threatening gaze is too much. I want to run away. My body is screaming out to get away from here. But I have a feeling if I do, he'll kill me. But if I run out of abilities to share he's going to end my life. I need to survive. I don't want to die.

As she was starting to hyperventilate Eraserhead was finessing Endeavour. He was an expert in martial arts. He was redirecting all of his attacks as he landed powerful hits himself. That's when he smelled overwhelming fear in the air. He grabbed Endeavor's neck and lost control over his bloodlust. He squeezed a little too tight causing him to pass out due to the lack of oxygen. His body slowly turned around only to see wasn't there anymore. She was running towards the gate crying and panting heavily. He slid back his left foot and got low to the ground. "Yes, run from me, little lamb! Run as fast as you can!"

Shit, shit, shit! I can't control my body! Where am I even going? I know that I can't outrun a monster. There's no use fighting against a demon. I'm going to die again. I thought I wished for an easier life!?

Olivia blinked and was suddenly in the middle of the street. The traffic light was red but a truck ran the light. Her body was already mid movement. She couldn't avoid death as it reached out to steal her soul. But then suddenly she was pulled into a warm but tight embrace. She looked up and then to the right online to see. Eraserhead stopped the truck with his brute strength. He was staring intently at her with no goggles. "You aren't allowed to DIE by anyone else's hands but MINE." His words felt like acid against her skin. His grip on her fragile body was possessive. He stood up with her in his arms. He stepped through a murky portal. He dropped her to the ground apathetically. They weren't on earth anymore.

Just great now where are we? Is he going to kill me now or later? He protected me from being hurt only to hurt me himself. Just great… He's Yandere and Tsundere. I looked around to see where we were located. That's when I saw a familiar school in the distance. I couldn't stand, I guess I hurt my ankle during the pursuit. Just my luck. Now I can't get away from him even if I wanted to.

"We are in the netherworld?" "Now how do you know that, little lamb?" She looked up to see him looming over her with a devilish grin and chaotic look in his demon eyes. "I uh." "What? Cat got your tongue?" His skin slowly changed to indigo purple. She lowered her head as she looked out at the sight of Bablys in the distance. Tears streamed down her face. "It's so beautiful looking in person. Heh, just go ahead and get on with it." He grumbled deeply as he crouched down in front of her. "That's no fun at all. At least make it a little exciting as I devour you." Her chin was lifted by his rough calloused fingers. "I already died once before. I'm used to giving up." "You died already?" He tilted his head to the side. He peered into her soul and saw it was completely different than the other humans and demons. "Hmmm, why didn't you say something sooner. You are more interesting than I originally thought." He reached out and grabbed her left shoulder. He pushed her onto her back as he leaned in close. He opened his mouth and licked the side of her neck. "I don't like violence or feeling pain. Please I'll do anything to live. Please don't kill me, Mr. Aizawa!" His fangs halted inches away from piercing her flesh. "My human last name? How did you learn that? No one knows it on earth." "I tell you anything and everything. Just promise you'll protect me as my security demon." He reached up and grabbed her neck. "And why would I help such a weakling? I rather just devour you." She reached out and fought against her own body. It trembled and shook violently. She grabbed his wrist as she showed off her shark teeth. Her eyes were uneven as her mind began to break and shatter. "Oh please don't stop, Sensei. Choke me until I'm unconicious." "What's with her change in demeanor? Is she acting? Yeah, she's definitely acting." "I hate it so much but it's the only thing that allows me to feel something!" "Huh?" She shocked him violently and kicked him in the stomach. He was forced onto his back as she grinned widely. "I died after being tortured mentally and physically. I'm already beyond broken! There's nothing you can do to break me any further." She dropped her head as she gripped onto his jumpsuit. "She's lying. If that was the case then she would just accept death now." "But besides all that shit! I thought you were going to save me from the darkness. But here I am cursed to be thrusted in a alternate dimension. It's not fair! I can't catch a break! What else does this universe want from me!?" He witnessed as she sobbed with despair clinging to her heart and soul. This sight made him giddy with amusement. He laughed hysterically as his black bramble vine devil tail wrapped around her waist. She stopped crying at the feeling of the thorns digging into her flesh. She saw he was laughing and smiling with glee at her suffering. "Alternate universe, huh? How peculiar." Her body relaxed completely as his tail drained her of dark emotions. He licked his lips with hunger. "I've eaten my fill of despair for today. It seems like you are stronger than you let on. I just need to give you a reason to live, for you to fight back?" She was slowly falling into a deep slumber. "Fine, I'll protect you from harm. But only because your despair tastes so good." He set her down on the ground next to him. He put his hands behind his head as he yawned softly.

I awaken feeling a strong breeze blowing against my skin. I open my eyes only to see I'm on top a very tall building located back in Japan. I went to scream but my throat felt dry. Fuck, not now!

"Relax, little one." Her head was patted by a very different demon. He was being gentle with her? "I've decided to take your offer to heart. Your miserable existence is entertaining and I'm enjoying the taste of your despair so far." He held out a bottle of water. "I bet you are thirsty? You are a shark person living on land. And you ran a marathon yesterday." She looked at him panicked. "Relax, it's summer and I'm your new Sensei. And in charge of your training and safety." She gulped down the entire bottle desperately. She exhaled in relief. "I can finally speak." "Do you lose the ability to speak without water?" "No?" He chuckled deeply as his eyes narrowed. "You really don't want to lie to me, little one." "Ok, fine. Yes. The answer is yes!" He leaned in close. As she leaned back. "I like this new side of you. Very sassy." He basically purr'd like a cat with amusement. She glared at him disgusted. "Please look at me like more, princess." "Ugh. You are one sick demon." "It's in my nature to be wicked." "What now?" "I train you how to fight of course. I can't have my little toy dying on me." "I'm not your toy!" He grabbed her wrist. "You being able to live longer has given you a bit of pep in your step. What happened to all that fear and anxiety?" She winched slightly in pain at him squeezing her wrist a little too tight. That's when he saw a glimpse of terror in her eyes. "Oh I see. You think acting brave will work?" He released her wrist and reached out towards her neck. She tensed up and shut her eyes instinctively. He rested his hand on her head. She opened her left eye only to see him smirking deviously. "I'm glad you are finally fighting back. It's not fun if you give up on living. I like it when my prey squirms when I drink them dry." He grinned widely as his eyes switched to Demon mode. Her body collapsed onto itself as she crawled away from him fearfully. "That's a much better look on your face my dear." He licked his lips hungrily. "You look so beautiful crying." She looked down at her hands as tears fell from her eyes.

Was I sent to hell? Why am being tortured like this? I can't escape his grasp. I'm stuck in this cycle of torment. I wish I never met him. I wish I never knew his secret. I wish I never got reborn….

To be continued…

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