P3 - Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

Qibli had insomnia?

I really was the worst girlfriend ever.

"Moon, when was the last time you cut yourself?"

I shifted nervously. "Probably during the sleepover at Turtle's house." I pulled away from his grip. "We should leave before someone comes in here."

Qibli stood up and reached a hand down toward me. I hesitantly took it and he pulled me up. Shuffling in my oversized dress, I let Qibli wrap an arm around me and lead me out of the bathroom.

He isn't going to break up with me?


I turned around and saw Deathbringer frowning at me, Glory beside him, also frowning.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Have you been crying?" He took a tentative step forward, but I was already stepping back.

"I'm fine. Qibli's just taking me back to the house. I'm just tired." I tried my best to sound convincing all while wiping the tears from my eyes. Deathbringer did not seem convinced at all.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

"I want you to stay and have fun with your date." I nodded at Glory and turned away before he could ask anything else. Qibli led me toward the exit of the building, and I was surprised I didn't see Kinkajou, Turtle, Winter, or even Umber on my way out.

"Sunny's going to need a ride home," I pointed out to Qibli, assuming he was the one who drove her here.

He shook his head. "Tsunami brought her." I nodded as Qibli pushed open the double doors of the school and held it for me as I walked out.

The cool, autumn breeze brushed against my sensitive skin, and I shivered. It had gotten colder since I had entered the dance, and it was already dark outside without any stars or a visible moon to illuminate light onto the world.

All that could be heard was the distant cawing and chirping of the outside critters.

Suddenly, I felt warmth wrap around me and looked over my shoulder to see Qibli draping the jacket of his suit over my shoulders. I sent him a rueful "thank you" look, and he led me toward his car.

We didn't speak for the whole ride home. Well, I didn't speak for the whole ride home. Qibli kept trying to bring up positive things to talk about, but I just nodded, mumbled, and pretty much kept it boring. My mind was still whirring about the fact that Qibli was sure to break up with me once he thought about it hard enough.

Looks like Umber was going to get him after all.

I stared out the window, watching the trees rush by until we finally made it to his house.

"Are you hungry?" Qibli asked as we entered the house. Thorn was sitting on the couch, reading a book and frowning. "I could make you something."

I shook my head. "No. I'm not hungry. Just tired." Thorn finally heard us and looked over her shoulders at us, smiling.

"Well, you two are back early," Thorn said. She grinned. "Nice outfits. Did I just miss my son's wedding?"

I smiled back at her, only a little forcefully.

"So, where's Sunny?" she asked.

"Tsunami will drop her off," Qibli explained. He looked around the house. "Is Onyx still here? I haven't seen her since six days ago when she suddenly came."

"She comes when you're at school," Thorn said with a sigh as she stood up. "She's always asking for something, and once I give it to her, she leaves for months until she needs something else again." Thorn hesitated. "She also may have stolen 5,000 dollars."

"What?" Qibli exploded. "5,000? Aren't you going to call the police?"

"On my daughter? No," Thorn said. "She isn't as bad as this book I'm reading, anyhow." She tossed the book she was reading onto the couch before turning to my shocked expression. "It's alright. I'll just be more careful next time."

"But it's not alright!" I cried. "She stole so much money from you! Aren't you upset?" She shrugged, but I could tell she looked a little hurt.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Thorn suddenly asked after a moment. I shook my head. "Aren't you hungry? Surely you had a long day... and a lot of fun." She winked at Qibli, who gave her a ghost of a smile, but he still seemed upset at what happened at the dance and about Onyx.

"Thank you, but I'm just tired." Thorn nodded and I wished her a good night before turning and heading up the stairs, beckoning Qibli to follow.

I was honestly just relieved Qibli hadn't told Thorn.

"You have to absolutely promise me you won't tell anyone," I said fiercely to Qibli the second we entered his room.

"I can't promise that," Qibli said as he reached for my hand, but I pulled away. "Moon, I need to get you help so you'll stop hurting yourself."

"Qibli, please," I said, staring him in the eyes. "I really can't have anyone else knowing."

It then occurred to me that Umber still knew, and he could go around telling everyone the second he found out Qibli still hadn't broken up with me.

I shivered at the thought.

"Moon, your health is really important to me, and whether you're okay or not," he said, this time catching my hands before I could pull away. "It kills me to see you like this."

"I am begging you, Qibli," I begged. "Please. I don't want anyone else to know, especially not any adults. Please."

Qibli reached over and gripped my shoulders, pulling me in closer and lowering his voice. "Only if you absolutely promise not to cut yourself again."

I have to lie to him–for now.

"I promise," I whispered.

"Then I promise," Qibli said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

Umber still knows, though. Once he realizes his plan didn't work, he will definitely threaten to tell the whole school.

And then I'll be the outcast again.

Maybe I will have to move after all.


The next day, I pretty much avoided all of my friends, except for Qibli, who had to drop me off at school and who also had the locker right next to mine.

We walked to History together, the one class I had with all of my friends, including Deathbringer and Anemone. Webs was busy droning on and on until the phone rang and he reached forward to answer it.

"Moon," Kinkajou whispered from beside me once Webs was distracted. "Are you okay? Qibli said he talked to you."

"He did," I said with a brief nod.

"Did he break up with you?" Winter asked, only a little skeptically. I slowly shook my head.

"Not yet." I ignored Winter's eye roll.

"Do you feel better now?" Turtle whispered. "Now that he knows? Now that you don't have to fear about him finding out?"

No, because Umber still knows.

"A little," I whispered. "He's very worried and has been a little clingy since he found out, but I'm not really complaining." I paused. "I just–"

"Moon," Webs suddenly said as he placed the phone down. "The guidance counselor would like to see you."

Oh, no.


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