"Why?" he asked.

Why? She'd never asked herself that before
"Because..because i just can't."

"The world won't end if the apartments a little messy." he tiredly croaked out.

"I know but—"

"Monica." he interjected, his tone stern. "come to sleep."

She glanced at the doorknob, then back to him. How could she argue with someone who genuinely wanted the best for her?

She begrudgingly slipped out of her sweats and peeled the sports bra off, letting them fall to the floor as she climbed into bed. Though it was eerie, she enjoyed how much influence he had over her. never in her life had she been able to let something like this go. cleaning up was such an. integral part of her routine. Never had she been able to strip bare in her bedroom and leave the clothing scattered about.

He moved to take her into his arms as she climbed into bed, kissing her gently and caressing her soft, still sensitive, buzzing body. she settled against his chest, curling her body against his. He pushed her hair out of her face, and murmured in her ear as he stroked her hip, "I love you."

she turned her head around and smiled tiredly at him. she cherished each time he spoke those three words, and he spoke them a lot. He reached behind him and tugged on the lamp string, filling the room with comfortable darkness.

"Aren't you tired?" he whispered, fading.

"Exhausted." she mumbled.

"Then let yourself rest. you need it." Chandler hummed.

His Monica, Chandler thought to himself. his stubborn, argumentative, amazing Monica.

It'd most likely be best not to think of her with a possessive pronoun, but after ten of the most amazing months of his life, after all the time they'd spent together and how much he loved having her as his girlfriend, he was kind of starting to think of her as belonging to him. Not in a possessive way but in a...close way. Like they were connected, she was a part of him. Chandler had never felt this close to anybody- not his parents, not a girlfriend. Well, perhaps he was this close to Joey, but Joey didn't give him certain things that Monica did.

Truthfully, going into this he underestimated how much dedication she would take. but his dedication was endless. To butt-heads with her over certain things where he knew he was right, his thinking truly in her best interest. Getting her to relax was a task. But he was willing to do ten times what he was doing now if it meant to have her in his life in this way.

The serious relationship and emotional intimacy were frightening and certainly strange, but they were a lot less frightening and strange because of Monica. If Chandler had to be in a serious relationship with anyone, he'd choose her. His Monica.

"I'm sore," she groaned, stretching out her neck.

"Then i've done my job." he replied in his usual witty manor, kissing her shoulder. "Before you fall asleep I had an idea."

"Oh boy," she flipped over, her tone teasing. "What's up?"

"Let's take a long weekend and go to the hamptons. We could stay at your parents place and have the whole weekend. it's getting warmer and the pool is probably open, and if we leave wednesday night the beach won't be too crowded on Thursday."

She grinned, in love with him, with the idea, with everything. "Sold. but we have to leave thursday night because you have that Rangers game with Joey and Ross on Wednesday."

Her eyes sparkled and she pat his chest in good humour and something tingled through him.
This was it. She was the one. Chandler had a lot of moments like that, where Monica did nothing particularly romantic or purposeful, but it proved everything to him.

Remembering his schedule or tying his tie, meeting him for lunch on a whim. Tidying his desk while she waited for him to come out of the meeting that ran late and slapping his hand so hard in a game of snap that Chandler's eyes had watered.

"I can skip it." He insisted.

"No you can't! It's Rangers versus Islanders! two New York teams! Even I know how big of a deal that is. Don't worry about it, we'll leave when you get home and still have plenty of weekend to enjoy."

He grinned, mentally shaking his head. She was perfect. "okay." he agreed, just as she had agreed to him when she came back to bed.

"Night," Monica whispered, her voice hoarse.

Chandler tried not to feel smug about how satiated she sounded, or that the rasp was a direct result of the sounds she'd made because of him.


Mondler one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon