Central Perk Reality🔞🔞🔞

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pop off i guess

"Get the chocolate chip muffin! It's better!" Phoebe exclaimed, pulling Joeys shoulder to face her.

"No way. The croissant. Joe get the croissant." Ross insisted, pulling Joeys other shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Phoebe. For what seemed like hours, Ross and Phoebe had been going back and forth at this stupid debate, which in the long run wouldn't matter one bit.

"Joey," Phoebe started, now getting Joeys full attention. "Do you like chocolate?" Joey nodded once without hesitation. "Do you like muffins?" Joey nodded once more. "Boom! Chocolate chip muffin!"

"she has a good point," Joey pointed to phoebe, turning back to Ross now. "I don't even know what's inside a croissant."

Ross rolled his eyes and continued his side of the argument, his loud voice bellowing through the small coffeehouse.

However, Monica tuned the stupid rambling out. She sat content in the large chair, her legs tightly crossed and her arms resting on each arm rest. Chandler would walk in any minute. He would come over to her and give her a quick peck, sit in the only available seat which was directly across from her, he'd make a funny remark about the argument that was currently going on, and she'd flash her smirk.

They'd be in the bathroom in less then 20 minutes, and boy was she looking forward to it. Thank god chandler had nagged her into telling him about her dream.

"Oh! Chandler! what should joey have? a choclate chip muffin or a crosssint?" Phoebe exclaimed chasing Monica's head to whip around toward the entry way. There stood chandler, shrugging his jacket off and continuing toward them. She beamed at him, her hands squeezing the chair.

"Hmm," he hummed, walking over to Monica.

His hand found her chin and tilted it upward, then he bent down slightly and pecked her lips. he stood again, smoothed her hair over once or twice, and walked to sit at the little side table."Knowing Joe, he should get both."

"Genius!" Joey gasped. he quickly stood and walked over to the counter, five dollar bill in hand.

"How was work?" Monica smirked subtly, catching Chandlers eyes.

"Boring, i'm glad i'm here now." he replied smugly, careful not to do or say anything too risqué due to Ross sitting five feet away from both of them.

The group fell silent as Monica and Chandler didn't break eye contact, each of them thinking the exact same thing.  They weren't even concerned as to how they were both going to get up and go now that their friends knew about them. Yes there would be comments from them including an, "ew!" and maybe even a "that's technically illegal!" and of course the good old  "That's my sister!" comment from Ross.

They both didn't bother to care anymore.

"What's going on?" Rachel spoke up, who's been quietly picking at her nails this whole time. Rachel looked from Monica to Chandler, trying to figure out why they were gazing at each other.

"Nothing," Monica cleared her throat. "I actually need to go to the bathroom." Monica answered, standing up from the Chair and walking around the orange couch.

"Oh i do to, i'll go after." Chandler hopped up excitedly.

there was silence among the group.

"Oh gross! we live right across the street!" Phoebe caught on first, crinkling her nose.

"You guys should be ashamed!" Rachel called after of them.

Chandler quickly caught up to Monica and grabbed her hand, walking ahead of her and leading them down the small hallway.The bathroom was thankfully unlocked, and they managed to slip in without any employee batting an eye. Monica sighed happily once she heard Chandler click the lock on the door.

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