please sleep

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Monica walked languidly over to her vanity with only the thin sheet wrapped around her naked body.

She was happy. So, so, so beyond happy. Happy that Chandler had fallen asleep in her bed after a long, nearly 4 hours of on and off sex, and how the sound of his soft breathing filled her now quiet room. She was happy that it was almost one thirty in the morning and he didn't have to race back over to his apartment. Though it came with struggles, formally telling their group of friends about their relationships had dozens of benefits, one of them being that neither of them were required to constantly sneak back over to the other apartment, the risk of being discovered looming over their heads. she was overjoyed that they could wake up together to the sound of her alarm, both of them exiting her room and greeting their friends with a yawn.

she settled into the chair in front of the mirror, blushing at the sight of herself. When had she ever allowed herself to look like this?

Her normally maintained, slightly wavy hair, was now frizzy and knotted. Her mascara was smudged all under her eyes, the black making it look like she had large eye-bags, and her dark lipstick was smudged all around her mouth. Her arms, chest, and forehead were slicked with sweat and her breathing was still ragged and irregular. she had hickeys plastered up and down her neck as well as across her shoulders and clavicle. Plus, if she pulled the sheet down, she was 99% sure she would have marks across her cleavage, preventing her from wearing a low-cut tank top for at least a couple days. she looked beat up.

If there was one thing she could confidently say about Chandler, it would be that he left his mark on her.

She reached for a makeup wipe and brought it to her under-eyes first, then around her mouth. after her face was clean, she grabbed her brush and began to rake it through her hair. the more she brushed, the more frizzy it became. she knew the only way to truly get her hair back to normal again was to shower, but she didn't nearly have enough energy to stand under the hot water. if she were to shower it would have to be with him helping her stand, but she wouldn't dare wake him up at this point.

She shakily stood and moved to the closet. she dug through quietly and grabbed a pair of old black sweatpants, a pair she had had since college. she than grabbed a tight and slightly uncomfortable sports bra, a garment you wouldn't want to wear after sex.

They had eaten dinner together, and shorty after they were finished, they had stumbled back into her bedroom, leaving everything else behind, untidy and out of place. the dishes were undone, the living room was a mess, she could hear the tv still rambling on, and she wouldn't stand for living like this. she physically couldn't.

she sighed, about to exit her room, her hand grasping the metal doorknob, when Chandler stirred.

"Where are you going?" his voice suddenly sounded from her bed. It was raspy and tired, his eyes half-lidded.

She paused, now caught, "Well," she coughed. She knew he wouldn't allow or approve of this. "the dishes aren't done and the garbage isn't taken out. Not to mention how messy the living room is and—"

"Monica," He interrupted, his voice soft and even. "let's worry about that tomorrow. We have to be up in less than five hours, come to bed."

Her hand still on the doorknob, she had a choice to make. be stubborn and defiant, but also miserable. Or, go to sleep and have extra work to do in the morning. The answer she would have liked to have chosen, was the one chandler would refuse to see turn into a reality. So she released her doorknob.

Her willful attitude was going to need more convincing.

"Chandler I can't just leave the apartment like this."

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