Rosses award dinner🔞🔞🔞

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Kind of all over the place but idk maybe y'all will like it🤷🏼‍♀️

For months everyone had been hearing Ross ramble on and on about some award he was winning for a discovery he had made, and how there would be a big dinner event just for him where he would receive the prize. she hated to admit it, but the work Ross did was impressive and as his sister she was proud of him. But as a normal human being, it sounded insanely boring and she couldn't help but dread the occasion.

She had been racking her mind, thinking of excuses on how she could get out of it. It wasn't until Joey and Chandler had gone out to the tailor that she realized that it had just one benefit: Chandler would have to wear a suit, and God how she loved Chandler in a suit.

It used to be a forbidden thought for her when they were just friends. Thinking about how delicious her friends stomach and arms looked underneath the button up with the collar popped was wrong, something she should never think about. If she had ever spoken those thoughts aloud she would've been shamed by her girlfriends, and teased by Joey and Ross.

But that was no longer. Now, for the first time as a couple, they were going to an event that was formal enough to need men in black tie. she could openly admire him and voice her opinions as much as she wanted to. After that relaxation, she had began to be thankful toward Ross for whatever dinosaur thing he had discovered.

The small black dress she had bought from Bloomingdale's just for the occasion had been hanging in her closet for just a few days, and Chandler had grown restless looking at it. every morning when they would wake up, he would grab his robe from her closet and complain about how it was teasing and taunting him by just hanging there.

Monica enjoyed how impatient Chandler got, and she vowed to buy revealing clothing and hang it from her closet more often.

Monica enjoyed how impatient Chandler got, and she vowed to buy revealing clothing and hang it from her closet more often

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AN: (this is what i was imagining incase anyone cares lolz)

There was a soft knock at her door, and Monica knew just who it was. Having to sneak around for months and months, Monica had soon learned to recognize Chandlers delicate knock on the wood of her door.

"come in!" she exclaimed excitedly, applying her cherry red lipstick in the mirror.

"Hey," Chandler greeted her with a smile, walking to her and placing a kiss on top of her head. He towered over her when she was sitting, and she enjoyed that feeling of being small.

He stood behind her chair and gripped her shoulders lightly, watching her maneuver the makeup in the mirror.

"Hi," She smiled, looking up at him.

He stepped away, walking to sit on her bed and wait for her to be ready. She smiled as she eyed him through the mirror, her eyes scanning up and down his body. He had black dress pants on and a white button up, with the collar popped. He also wore a black tie and gold cuff links. she assumed his suit jacket was out in the living room, probably slung over the back of the couch. If he didn't look so handsome she'd shame him for leaving his clothing everywhere.

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