your boyfriends hogging the bathroom

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Rachel slowly trudged out of her bedroom, quickly bringing her hand up to shield the bright morning sun from her eyes. she was barely awake and only had one goal: to relive her bladder, then go back to her room and fall asleep for another 3 hours. She didn't want any distractions. she needed to keep herself sleepy so she could manage to fall back asleep once her bladder was empty.

her plan was simple, bathroom, bed, sleep. Or it was the plan until she heard the dreaded sound of water running, and light steam emerging from under the door.

"Mon I have to pee," she muttered, lighting knocking on the door. she wasn't even sure if that was loud enough for Monica to hear. she exhaled angrily and leaned her head against the door when she didn't get any response.

"everything okay Rach?" Monica's voice asked from behind her.

Rachel's eyes widened and quickly turned around, seeing Monica standing in her bedroom door way. she quickly made the connection that Chandler was in her bathroom.

Rachel glared at Monica, who was practically glowing. her hair looked nice for probably just waking up, and she didn't have any under eye bags. her eyes were half-lidded like she had just woken up, but yet she was smiling. she had a soft, calm glow around her which puzzled Rachel.

normally when Monica would have a boy sleepover and he was showering, Monica was scrubbing the apartment clean, applying her makeup and doing her hair, and put on a flattering outfit, her goal was to distract the man from all the flaws about her. But Monica was calm. the apartment was even a little dirty now that Rachel noticed. there was a sweatshirt on the floor and dirty dishes left on the table. But Monica was clam. somehow she allowed herself to be calm with chandler. maybe "allowed" isn't the right word. she didn't feel the need to over-work herself for him. Rachel had never seen Monica so content when any other boyfriends had spent the night in the past. it certainly wasn't this way with Richard. whenever Richard's attention wasn't on Monica she was cleaning and fixing her hair and reapplying lipstick.

"Rachel?" Monica repeated, taking a stop toward her, still calm.

"your boyfriends hogging the bathroom." Rachel sighed, crossing her arms across her chest. it was weird how the boyfriend that was hogging the bathroom was Chandler, one of rachels closest friends. There was no chance she was going back to sleep now. it was Sunday and she really wanted some extra sleep before the long work week.

"he does take long showers, doesn't he?" Monica smiled affectionately, and not with anger like Rachel hoped it would be. she really needed the bathroom and didn't feel like going across the hall.

"how was last night?" Rachel asked, ignoring the pain in her abdomen.

"i'll get him out." Monica nodded. Rachel noticed that Monica smiled before opening the door. she was that excited to talk to him. she heard monica giggle and chandler say something, but his words were muffled. the water turned off and a few minutes later they emerged, chandler with a towel around his waist and Monica smiling even wider.

"all yours," chandler stepped aside.

"gee thanks." Rachel replied, hoping to sound as sarcastic as possible. she was annoyed at their cheerfulness. no one should be that happy on a Sunday morning.


"you let him in your kitchen?" Rachel emerged for the second time from her bedroom, this time hours later. she had managed to fall back asleep after all. She sat down next to Monica at the kitchen table.

Monica didn't reply, instead she was lost in chandler land. she watched as chandler mixed batter and put butter on the skillet, and didn't freak out when a drop of batter hit the counter top, or butter sizzled over the side.

"yes! chandlers making breakfast," Joey cheered and took a seat next to Rachel.

"glad to make you happy," Chandler replied.

"you're used to feasts like this?" Rachel asked unknowingly. she had no clue chandler cooked like this.

"oh yeah, chandler can cook. but the best is when Monica adds things to the batter when chandler isn't looking.

"oh you mean the honey and the lemon zest?" chandler replied sagely, presenting a huge plate of pancakes to the table. joey took 3.

"you knew?" Monica asked quickly, the smile still not leaving her face.

"you're not very subtle, sorry to tell you." chandler gave Monica a quick kiss on the cheek and went back to his cooking.

"these are so good," Rachel took a few bites. she really had no idea chandler was such a chef. did Monica teach him this? the way he naturally moved around the kitchen was something Rachel had never seen him do.

"i'll be right back," Monica stood up and took a step, but stumbled gripping onto the side of the chair.

"everything okay Mon?" Rachel asked.

Monica's face quickly went red and glanced back at chandler, who was leaning against the counter, staring right back at her. they were both in on something, and joey and Rachel were clueless.

"Her knees are probably weak," chandler smiled.

Rachel and joey both groaned, immediately understanding what chandler was hinting to. Every single night chandler and Monica had loud, annoying sex that Rachel could hear, she had no interest in hearing about the side affects that hit the next morning.

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