come back to bed

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This is super short but it's actually one of my favorites so hope you like!
Monica opened her eyes, surprisingly not that tired. she had gone to bed early which was always a pleasure. she squinted around the pitch black room, the only light was from her clock on her nightstand. she looked over, 1:07am. She realized that she wasn't in chandlers arms which was strange because she almost always was. she felt around the side he slept on but felt no Chandler. She couldn't just go back to sleep, she had to know where he was.

she hopped out of bed, now wide awake. she slipped into her slippers and rolled the oversized pajama pants she was wearing so that it would fit around her waist. she felt her way through the dark room until she finally reached the lamp on Chandlers night stand. she tugged on the little piece of string and the light flashed on, making things visible.

she opened the door and popped her head out and to her relief, saw Chandler sitting on the couch, filling out endless paper work. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Go back to sleep Mon." He said putting the piece of paper he was writing on down.

she shook her head, "No. Not without you." She was going to be as stubborn as she needed to be to get Chandler back in bed. she could get almost anything with her stubbornness. it was a gift to her and a curse to others.

"I'm doing some work, you know how busy its been. I'll be there in a little." he replied looking back down at the papers. He wasn't budging. he must've really been swamped if he wasn't granting Monica this wish. He gave her everything she wanted.

She eyed him, thinking of a sure way to bring him back. then it her. All she needed, was herself. she smiled. it was a smile that she used to leave people asking. it was an enticing smile, it made people want to know exactly what she was thinking.

"What're you smiling about?" he asked, right on cue.

She slowly began to take off her pajamas piece by piece, starting with the slippers and ending in just the t-shirt she had worn under the sweater she was wearing, and her thin underwear. He was mesmerized. he couldn't take his eyes off of her. the more she took off, the more of her she revealed, even if it was just a tiny piece of skin.

She finally took her top off, letting her breast free. His eyes dropped to her chest, his mouth agape.

"it doesn't seem you're interested in knowing what's next so I will actually just go back to bed. goodnight sweetie." she smiled innocently, turning around to walk back into her room.

She heard the papers fall to her floor and then him, throwing her over his shoulder. she laughed as he placed her down on the bed. she had gotten her way, as usual.

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