Chapter 19 The Tale of Continental

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"Let us try this one last time..." The God of light sighed.

"As you say, brother." The God of Destruction shrugged.



The God of Light and the God of Destruction were walking through the desolate grounds of Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration camp. As they walked, they saw the horrors that had been perpetrated there - the gas chambers, the crematoriums, the piles of bones and ashes.

The God of Light was visibly shaken by what he saw. "How could anyone do such a thing?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "How could anyone be so cruel, so inhumane?"

The God of Destruction, who had seen his fair share of destruction and death, was uncharacteristically silent. He walked alongside the God of Light, his face set in a grim expression.

As the God of Light walked, he saw a figure in the distance - it was the God of Darkness, who had come to bear witness to the atrocities that had been committed here. The God of Darkness had always been a figure of ambiguity - neither entirely good nor entirely evil - but even he was disgusted by what he saw.

"I never thought mortals were capable of such horrors," he said, his voice laced with disgust. "This is beyond even my understanding."

"Let us not continue more..." The God of Light had a grim expression.


"The Brother Gods knew that the balance they sought to create would be difficult to achieve in a world consumed by war. They knew that they needed a powerful force to unite the people of Remnant against the darkness, and so they gave Remanant gifts. Dust, Aura, and Semblances.

One of the Brother Gods created a new breed of Grimm, stronger and more intelligent than any that had come before. They imbued them with a desire to conquer and rule, and they sent them out into the world.

At first, the people of Remnant fought back fiercely against the Grimm, but they soon realized that they were fighting a losing battle. The Grimm were too powerful and too numerous, and they began to spread across the world, laying waste to everything in their path.

As the Grimm advanced, the nations of the world realized that they needed to band together if they were to have any chance of survival. They formed alliances and worked together to fight back against the Grimm, but it was a losing battle.

But then, a group of brave warriors rose up, and they realized that they needed to find the source of the Grimm and destroy it once and for all. They journeyed deep into the heart of the Grimm's territory, fighting off hordes of monsters along the way.

Finally, they came upon the source of the Grimm - a massive fortress built by the Brother Gods themselves. The warriors fought their way inside, battling the Grimm and the dark magic that permeated the walls.

In the heart of the fortress, they found the Brother Gods themselves, watching the battle from above. The warriors demanded to know why the Brother Gods had created the Grimm, and the gods explained their plan to use the creatures to unite the people of Remnant.

But the warriors were not satisfied. They knew that the use of the Grimm had only brought destruction and despair to their world. They demanded that the Brother Gods use their power to bring balance to the world in a different way, without the use of the Grimm.

At first, the Brother Gods were resistant, but they saw the bravery and determination in the warriors' eyes and knew that they were right. They used their power to bring the great continent into Remnant, and the people of Remnant saw the land rise up from the sea.

It was a place of great beauty and wonder, with magic and technology unlike anything seen before. The people of Remnant were awestruck, and they realized that this was the place that the Brother Gods had foretold.

But the kingdoms of the world, consumed by war and darkness, saw the new continent as a threat. They fought a war where they were destined to lose. In desperation, they commandeered the technology of the continent that was supposed to bring balance to Remnant other than the Grimm. The great continent defended itself, but since they have experienced the art of war, they fought back and were prepared to invade the nations themselves."




It was the year 1865, and the kingdoms of Remnant had united against the Americans. The kingdoms had heard of the Americans' technological advancements, but they were not afraid. They were skilled warriors who had honed their combat skills with the use of swords, crossbows, and the power of dust, aura, and semblances. But the Americans were a proud and fierce people, and they were not about to let themselves be pushed around. They rallied together, determined to defend their homeland at all costs.

The Americans were not intimidated by the United Kingdoms. They had heard of their opponents' skills in battle, but they had a trick up their sleeves. They had developed a weapon that combined the power of dust with their guns, which the locals had called 'dust weapons.'

The Americans had brought their advanced firearms to the battlefield, and they used them with deadly precision. The kingdoms attempted to deflect the bullets with their swords and crossbows, but they were no match for the sheer power and accuracy of the guns.

The Americans had also learned to use dust in their bullets, giving them an even greater advantage. The kingdoms attempted to use their aura and semblances to dodge the bullets, but it was no use. The firepower of the guns was too much to handle.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Americans were going to emerge victorious. The kingdoms were decimated by the relentless assault of the guns. The Americans' superior technology had given them an edge that the kingdoms simply could not match.

But... They have found themselves brought back to their world by the Gods. Their memories were wiped and nothing but ruins of cities in Remnant served as a reminder of the destruction the Americans brought.


"The Warriors, now seeing the error of their ways, appealed to the Gods. The Gods have decided to bring back the continent to its former world and wiped the memories of those involved. All but the warriors... One decided to tell the story...and she had silver eyes... The Gods told them that once they have been brought, they will return so they must prepare for their return."

Summer stopped for a second, "And that's The Tale of Continental."

She kissed her children good night as they clearly hadn't paid any attention to the story since they just wanted to bond with their mother. She smiled at how innocent they were, but she had to head out to deal with another Grimm formation and then head to Ozpin right afterward. Maybe she would bake cookies for them before heading out on Ozpin's mission.


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