The princess's story explained

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As the trio arrived to the edge of the forest, Loki was gently placed down on a dusty edge of the desert that lead to seeming nothing. Sarphon pointed ahead.

Loki: It leads to nowhere. It is nothing but an empty pathway that just seems to stop.

Sarphon: You can see the pathway?

Loki: Yes. Right in front of me.

Sarafeen: Father...He truly is the one to break the spell!

Sarphon: Sarafeen, keep quiet my little sprout.

Loki: Spell? You mean the spell that has befallen the princess?

Sarphon: Yes and no my little God.

Loki: I don't understand.

Sarafeen: Father..May I tell the story?

Sarphon: Of course I'm little sapling.

The trio sat on the edge of the forest and desert and Sarafeen began her story.

Sarafeen: Long ago, when the princess was born, and evil troll had fallen in love with her mother. Her mother was human, and he was a troll, not exactly a match made in heaven, but one day when the princess was born, the troll, you know as Jinzog, came to the castle and stole the princess away. It was a punishment, because the queen did not love the troll and in return, the child did not even belong to him, but he did not care. What he wanted, was the queen to come after the princess, and he would gladly trade the princess for the queen, but the king did not like this at all, he fought the trolls, and unfortunately he lost. He lost everything, the kingdom, the queen and the princess. That's why the trolls have taken over the forest and that's why there's a deadness here. Once the trolls took over the forest, they created the minions, their own army! They use the kings magical powers to create such creatures, and once they did that, something befell the forest and soon half of the forest was gone and turned into a baron desert.

Loki: What happened to them, the king & queen?

Sarphon: The king as tortured and killed. And Jinzog kept the queen in order to raise her daughter and hoping she would fall in love with him. But she refused his advances, and refused to be a part of his new rule. He threatened her, punished her, tortured her. Jinzog used the kings magic to shrink down to her size and transform into a handsome man, thinking it would make her love him, but she saw through his ruse. When she once again refused his advances, Jinzog used the magic to create a production of sorts. He showed the princess being killed, burned alive. When the queen saw this, her heart was broken into a million pieces. Unrepairable. She died that very night from a broken heart, never knowing the truth that her daughter, the princess, was never harmed. Jinzog truly does love the princess as his own daughter, but when the princess grew older, and found out the truth, she rebelled. He locked her away in that bubble using her own magic against her. Using her fathers magic against her. It was then he placed a curse on her, on the forest, & on anyone who defied him. That necklace around his neck, the key, is the way to release her from her bubble prison. But the source of the kings magical powers, is unknown to us. But we do know he posses something of the kings, that gives him the magical powers he has. You must find it and release us from this curse.

Loki: What kind of curse did Jinzog place upon the forest? And how can it be broken?

Sarafeen: They say the queens spirit is in the cave where he kept her and she haunts the trolls, and she flies.

Sarphon: That's a load of hogwash my lifte sapling. You mustn't spread lies and wild stories my sweet.

Sarafeen: I'm sorry father.

Sarphon: The curse that was put upon the forest is what you see before you. I came to life one day, we have been living like this for over 500 years. There are creatures that have evolved into evil, that have evolved into different species. Once this curse is lifted, I will return to being a tree, everything will return to the way it was.

Loki: You can't ask me to break this. You are my friend. How can I return you to just a tree?

Sarphon: It is for the best, my little friend. We were meant to be trees, living organisms, not living creatures.

Loki: Once I get the key, I will release the princess and maybe she can fix the mess Jinzog has created. The magic her father had, it is in her blood after all.

Sarphon: Follow the path my friend to the very end of it. Do not step off of it in anyway, it will shock your body and it will kill you. Keep on the path. Hold the golden flower the princess has given you, it will light the way. Should you need us, we will be there at your side.  Prepare yourself for anything my friend, for the path you walk, is a dangerous one.

Loki: Thank you my tall, leafy friends!

Loki carefully began his walk down the path. He took the flower in his hand and watched as the golden petals fell upon the path, leading his way. At the end of the path, Loki began the chant once again. And out from the ground sprouted a large opening to a rocky covered cave. He took one step inside the cave and the flower admitted a bright golden light. Loki took a deep breath and ventured further into the cave.

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