An Unexpected Ally

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Loki stood very still behind the tree breathing heavily. His heart sunk into his stomach as the troll stomped closer to him. He could smell the fresh blood emu sting from him along with his wretched stench. This troll obviously never bathed. His greyish skin, his long evil claws, his bulbous nose and his horrible looking face was a sight to behold. Jinzog came stomping uo right next to the tree where Loki was. Just then he felt the tree move. Loki instinctively looked up and saw what he wasn't expecting. Another troll but this time it was a tree troll. He raised his branch hand to his bark mouth and said "shhhhhh". He slowly put his branch arm down and his Loki. He gently nudged him behind another tree, a smaller tree but still about 20 feet tall. The branches then wrapped around Loki hiding him from the horrible Jinzog. The Tree troll stood straight up, and instantly towered over Jinzog. Jinzog looked in fear as he followed the tree trolls body filled bark all the way up, nearly stretched out to the canopy.

Tree Troll: What are you doing in my forest Jinzog? You know you are not welcome here.

Jinzog: Mind your business Sarphon. I'm looking for a man....

Sarphon: A man? Awe Jinzog, you're finally admitting you like men! Just find one that isn't as smelly as you are.

Jinzog: You MOCK ME? I will crush you.

Sarphon: All I have to do is step on you. Get out of my forest.

Jinzog: I will leave, but answer me, have you seen a man, a small man, yielding the golden flower.

Sarphon: Yes i did see a man, he came running through my forest in the early hours of the morning. I have not seen his since then. I have answered your question now please leave my home!

Jinzog: Very well, if you see him again, hold him for me!

Sarphon: Goodbye Jinzog. I do not want to see you in my forest again.

Jinzog quickly turned and ran away from Sarphon. As soon as he disappeared around the bend, the little tree opened up his branches and let Loki out from his secret hiding place.

Loki: Gracious, thank you so much. I wasn't quite expecting that. Sarphon is your name??

Sarphon: Yes....

Loki: And who is this strapping young man who hid me?

Sarphon: This is Sarafeen. A girl...

Loki: I beg your pardon madam. Thank you so much for hiding me.

Sarphon: So you have met the princess! She had given you the golden flower. Have you found the entrance to Jinzog's cave yet?

Loki: You know of the cave?

Sarphon: Yes. For many years we have watched from afar of countless suitors fight for the princess. It all ends the same, they all die and by Jinzog's hand. But you are not a normal man.

Loki: No, I'm not. I'm a God.

Sarphon: I have never seen a God cower in fear.

Loki hung his head and scratched his head. Not knowing how to feel. But he was embarrassed, maybe even a little saddened by the whole thing.

Sarphon: I meant no disrespect. I apologize. Here I will lead you to the opening of the cave and my family and I will stand guard outside of it. Baring anyone from going back inside.

Loki: Back inside??

Sarphon: Yes, we will have the trolls come out, with you as the prize. Jinzog will send them all out, he would never dirty his hands with a mortal. Once they are out you will sneak into the cave and do what you have to with Jinzog. Once you are done, call out my name and I will protect you from the trolls. You must be quick the opening does not stay open for more than 2 minutes. That's the time you have to get in and navigate and leave. Once it's closed you are stuck there forever. They will smell you, hear you and know that you are there. They will hunt you down and kill you. Do you understand?

Loki: I can't ask you to help me.

Sarphon: You are not asking....We would do anything for the princess. She is our confidant and dearest friend. If she has given you the golden flower, you must be special to her. No one has ever gotten a golden flower before.

Loki: No one?

Sarphon: No one. They have all had plain flowers, never gold. The gold is a sign that she will soon leave this earth. The golden flower is her last chance of survival. That is why Jinzog wants to marry her off. He wants an heir, a man, a normal man to run this world. His plan is devious. She is not even his real daughter. Have you not heard the story?

Loki: No. I knew none of this. Just that she was being forced to marry someone. I never knew the golden flower was a source of all her powers.

Sarphon: Yes she is without power as long as you have the flower. If you lose it or the last petal falls she will die. If you do not let her out if the bubble before the last petal falls she dies. She has given the remaining power she had to you, and has I trusted you with it. That is a big leap of faith she had taken and she has entrusted you with her life.

Loki: Oh, why would she do that? I never expected this to be a matter of life and death.

Sarphon: It was only a matter of time until she found someone worthy enough. And you are it. Can she trust you to complete this mission?

Loki: Take me to the cave opening!

Sarphon smiled and and lifted Loki onto his shoulder and began to walk towards the opening.

Sarphon smiled and and lifted Loki onto his shoulder and began to walk towards the opening

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