The years passed

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As the years passed, Loki found himself in a mess of trouble. He met all the wrong kind of people and filled his house with constant lavish parties, drugs, alcohol and crazy people. They would steal and take advantage of Loki. He knew nothing of this Midgardian life. He knew not how to navigate the treacherous waters of this world.  After the years had passed, Loki had fallen into a deep depression. Constantly drinking and partying all night. One morning he was still awake from the night before and had several people inside his house, passed out either drunk or drugged. He was sitting by the pool when he heard a loud crash inside the kitchen. He quickly stood up and there he saw a sight he would never see again. The double glass doors swung open to the lush garden and there stood Thor. Smiling with his eyes and stuffing his face with a turkey leg. Loki was so happy to see him. It has been years since he had saw anyone from his s home and was excited to see Thor. Thor walked up to Loki, dressed in normal Midgardian attire and reached out and gave him a huge embrace. Loki was so surprised and shocked to see his brother standing there before him. Loki quickly reacted and embraced Thor back with a squeeze and a shoulder pat.

Loki: Brother what are you doing here?
I thought you were banned from seeing me! Does Odin know your here? How's Mother? Is there something wrong? Is everyone alright?

Thor: Woah woah woah....easy Loki. How I've missed you brother! Well.....I came to see you, no father does not know I am here, mother is stricken with grief but secretly has Heimdall show you to her, and yes I would say there is something wrong, and yes everyone is alright.

Loki: If everyone is alright then why are you here? It's not like you to disobey the All Father. Something must be wrong.

Thor: Mother has asked me to check on you. She had seen what this life has done to you and she is worried about you. So, she asked me to come check on you.

Loki: If Odin finds out that you are here....

Thor: Do not worry my brother, mother has him quiet busy, and she has also sworn Heimdall to secrecy. 

Loki: How long can you stay?

Thor: Not long. I simply came to give you the advise mother has given me to give to you. 

Loki: Advise? What of?

Thor: You have found out so much about our father, the truth behind the lies. Mother knew about Hella and father knew about you. They used you and our sister against one another for years. But there is something you do not know, about mother.....

Loki: Tell me?

Thor: She was once a Midgardian.

Loki: You lie!

Thor: No. She only just revealed to me, before I came to see you. She came from a wealthy family Loki, and she took the same path you are taking now. Her heart was broken when she met and fell in love with someone not of her stature. Her father did not approve of the match, but she continued to secretly see him. As she grew into a young woman, she saw less and less of her parents. When they moved to Italy, they left her everything, the mansion, money, a numerous amount of cars. She had everything. But the more lavish parties she threw, the more men and drugs she involved herself with, she became lost. It was one evening when she met father, that he promised to take her away from Midgard to a place of enchantment. Enchantment being Asgard. She was broken Loki, had nothing. When her father found out what kind of life she was leading, he took everything from her and left her in a desolate landscape where she nearly died. It was fate that father accidently transported to Midgard and found her half dead. He stayed with her, feed her, clothed her and brought her back from the brink of death. She vowed then to be forever in his debt. He helped her build a small cabin and showed her how to take care of herself. She was alone for year, but not without contact of father. She fell deeply in love with him and that's when he told her the truth about Asgard and the nine realms. Asked her to become queen. and the rest, as they say is history. She loves him Loki but can only do so much when he owes him her life. Please understand, Father had every intention of leaving you with nothing the way her father did her, but she begged and pleaded, hoping you would see the error of your ways. But you began to follow her path and she wanted and needed to stop you before it was too late. 

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